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Everything posted by AlfaRomeo

  1. Any idea if any of the LFS brought in the new Tropic Marine Pro Reef salt yet?
  2. A bit confused now, are Fiji corals and LRs banned in singapore too until the CITES hoohaa is sorted out? Can someone clarify pls?
  3. Hiya Guys, how do you all feed the Cyclops-eeze? What kinda binder do you use? so you mix it all up in a blender and blend away?
  4. I will prob get into SPS once my water quality is good enuff and also my tank is matured enuff.. not so soon..
  5. Hi Morgan , for a 6x2.5x2.5, will 3x250w 14kk be sufficient for SPS in the upper half of the tank and LPS and other stuff on the lower half?
  6. So is there an absolutely safe way to remove the heavy metals introduced with our saltmixes? I guess , this is where the quality of the saltmix used is paramount?
  7. Simple Question on how efficient and fast SIA is: If i was the one who is struck, would they have responded in such a manner? fast and efficient? hmmmm..
  8. Have read sumwhere that an octupus is also a great tool in removing such nasties, but your current LS needs to be evacuated first..
  9. You can also try Lim Han Teck (lim64 is his nick here). known to make excellent tanks and also getting my 6ft tank from him. very knowledgeable and friendly. Somebody did a review on the tank he did and t was very good. Mobile : 91065198
  10. clownfish, putting 2 inches of sand and placing the liverock on that sandbed wont solve the problem of settling or sinking rocks due to the sand underneath it becoming loose or shifted away due o the digging on the animals...which 'might' cause a rock slide in the tank...and also the rocks will eventually sink rith thru the sand and will be resting directly on the bottom glass which i was trying to prevent by layering the bottom with eggcrate for LR support.
  11. Hi Guys, any other comment on this setup pls? any disadvantages tha you all can think of?
  12. hmmm , the eggcrate will support the liverock and not having the liverock withh all its sharp and jagged edges directly resting on the glass bottom..
  13. Hi Guys, was thinking of putting down a layer of eggcrate at the bottom of my new tank and then filling in the sand to just about cover the eggcrate and arranging my LRs on top on the eggcrate support before filling the rest of the sand to fully cover the eggcrate. Is this a good idea and do you think it will work? btw, no longer planning a DSB and will do with just an inch think of sand. read too many horror stories in RC and it scared me of.. better safe than sorry ... Anyway, how? do you all think its a good idea to do the above?
  14. I think the New Water is not directly pumped to our houses since it lacks all the necessary elements for human consumption. Also, New water will be pumped back into the reservoir before it comes to our pipes. So , i think still need RO/DI to be safe.
  15. Hi Guys, what do you all think about the Tunze Stream Deco rocks? looks nice if the streams are hidden from view under a rock i think.. you opinions?
  16. Any of you guys used this kinda gadget before and noticed that there is an improvement to the LS and general water conditions?
  17. Hi AT, got tank specs? i know it must be sumwhere but great is the specs are on this page too... then we can all marvel at the achievement BTW, there is a new pic on my desktop now! woohoo!!
  18. I think Newater will still need to be RO/DIed before we use it for the tank. I believe PUB will add minerals and other stuff after the water has been ROed at the water plant since the water after RO will be too pure for human consumption?
  19. How much would the kent unit cost including shipping? a rough figure?
  20. $60/kg? wow... u sure u got it right? Usually its $16/kg for Fiji rock rite?
  21. Tanzy, did u get the spectraplus 2000 unit?
  22. Tanzy, you have a 4 feet tank with 4 6100s? aint it a whirlpool in there when the 4 monsters kick in? What setting are they on?
  23. From what i have learned and read, not very advisable to keep boxfixh cos its toxic when dead and might nuke the whole tank.... esp when stressed by the fast moving n aggresive damsels
  24. Sharkbai, any of those with 4 stage filtering etc etc.. in some website about US$300++ for the units. Any of you guys use RO/DI units for yer reef tank?
  25. Tanzy, what do you use it for then? Any local distributor for the spectrapure units?
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