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Everything posted by AlfaRomeo

  1. So from What i read, 90% of Deepblue's pay is equivalent to 10% of Flubberina's Pay? Hmmm ,seems to me that Flubberina is a good catch! :-) hehehe
  2. Yup Yup, Selamat Hari Raya to all the bros and sis here. For those not celebrating with frens, cheong LFS! :-)
  3. Agreed, like what you said. The strength of a defense is as strong as its weakest link which is usually users who uses the most obvious passwords etc etc. Can you belief that i have users who use their cellphone number as a password or even names of their kids/wife/husband. Just need a little bit of social engineering and everything will be undone. Sad but true. :-)
  4. Rumor, the working copies of viruses and hacks for the Mac platform is for the older 9.xx but there are no known viruses or hacks for the 10.xx OS version as its based on Unix and highly customized for the mac. Hardening can be done but you need to know unix and get into terminalmode to harden it. That said, there is no need to go to that extent as there is a built in firewall which is a full fledge firewall and not a half past 6 implementation like in XP. its highly configurable and you can harden it that way if need be. i usually turn off all services and only turn on the critical services that i know i need and use :-)
  5. Hon, how big exactly is your tank pls? got any full tank pics? or did i miss it at other threads?
  6. Come to think of it , you know what the best and ultimate way of protecting yourself againts trojans/security flaws/Viruses etc etc? get a MAC! ;-) have been using a Mac for the past 2 years and am now on 10.3 and absolutely loving it. does not crash ever! no viruses! :-)
  7. Hiya, zonealarm is sufficient on a basic level as you can control which application has access to the internet and stuff. Blackice is the ultimate but u need to know what you are doing to make full use of it. Zone-Alarm is more for end-users and it does it thing more or less automatically. :-)
  8. As for my advice, get something like Mcafee Virus-scan which can be set to be permanently monitoring your system for unusual activity or virus signatures/activity. it can also be set up auto-update the defination files on a daily or weekly basis. It takes care of your email scanning too. highyl recommended for any PC that is connected to the internet as a minimum and first line defence. Get a personal firewall too like black-ice.
  9. 14 inch from the water line? wow, thats very very high up... from what i read in the form, your SPS got burnt because of too much UV rite? Hope it wont happen to mine once i get into sps eventually in a few months time. worried liao
  10. All i can say as a newbie is WOW!!!! Mind sharing with us what you tweaked to get the colonies to recover?
  11. Wah, so branded also still problematic har? did u write to them and ask for advise?
  12. and tis not advisable to run them without the UV shield rite? but isnt it documented somewhere that UV will cause the SPS corals to develop colorful pigments? just need to wear lead shielding whenever we are the tank only. hehehehe
  13. So i guess its more economical to run 250w DE than 400w SE than.. I am sure the UV shield cant affect it that much rite? Can even get the 14k DE bulbs if you wanna more blueish outlook?
  14. Hi guys, issit true that the intensity of 250w DE is roughly equivalent to a 400W SE? And Is mogul type referring to SE also? kinda confused liao.. hehe
  15. Can try unbuttoning 1 more button of her blouse to get better access to the worm also.. hehe
  16. I have read from several reviews that the Olympus E1 is just amazing. easy enuff for newbie to use and powerful/flexible enuff for pros.
  17. Dradttq, Is this for the newer Tropic-Marin Pro Reef Salt or the normal TM salt pls? thanks
  18. Anybody saw the Tropic Marin Pro-Reef salt on sale pls?
  19. What if the species that you are releasing near our limited reefs has no natural enemys and they multiply to large porportions and destroy the reef as a system? sounds like a scene from Aliens but it is possible rite?
  20. wsiong, what kinda LS can you find there which is not readily available in SG? Any ideas?
  21. I tot it is not safe to release fishes which have been in our tanks back to the ocean? cos we dunt really know what it will do to the balance of the aquasystem... its like releasing the Lao Hans at the rivers and streams... bad idea.. My honest opinion anyway..
  22. Does cyano use phospate/silicate as its fuel for growth too? Also, you might wanna try increasing water circulation i think..
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