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Everything posted by AlfaRomeo

  1. More Info from Tags: F/3.5 Focal Length : 18.0mm Date/Time: 2005-09-10T10:04.47+08.00 File was processed with Photoshop CS2 on 2005-09-14T16:22:22+08.00 8 mins before posting the pic on 16:30
  2. My x-colleague is not working with NSA lah. He is working with the Mayor's Office. The mayor is my boss mah. No photoshop allowed? In the first post? 'But with the adv of computer photoshop software and misleading color given out from lighting. I yeah for real sps photo which we can proudly present.' implies that photos should not be photoshopped or artificially lighted.
  3. The government leads the way yet again. Pls count how many malays or for that fact, muslims, who are in the Air Force or Navy? Army-wise, pls count the number in Artillery/Armour/Combat Engineers/Commandos and then compare it to the number of Malays in the Infantry. I dunt think there is any other reason apart from race/religion. Cheers!
  4. Not really. We are still waiting for the thread starter to reappear here and explain his motive behind the post saying no photoshop allowed and then following it up with photoshopped pics.
  5. Congrats dude. May your lives together be full of happiness and joy
  6. I dunt really have an explanation on why sumone can be like dat. Its a trait that some ppl have. It does take a lot of diiferent kind of ppl to make up this world. Some are just conceited beyond reason. I guess we must accept that these kinda ppl are amoung us in society.
  7. WL, sorry if I have offended you in any way. I dunt really know why you are so againsts me but I am sure you have your reasons. You must be really pissed off with me to start calling out names like bangla/aneh etc etc (even tho Im not Indian). Pls accept my humble apology for doing the things I did that pissed you off. As a gesture of my apology, signature updated.
  8. Hear Hear! You always tell it as it is.
  9. Thread Starter is busy writing thesis for his Masters lah dude. Dunt disturb. Maybe if enuff demand, he will reappear and tell us the secret of the 4 day colorup. Maybe with enuff demand, he will show us his EXPERT skills! Got knowledge must share share mah...
  10. Got change meh?? Still the beautiful AT mah...
  11. Another pic of my tank. Using only sunlight and NO PHOTOSHOP!.... support support thread starter
  12. Here is Sanjay's homepage for spectral plots etc etc: http://www.reeflightinginfo.arvixe.com/ Dunt think it has the new 14kk tho.
  13. Very nice... that acro at the bottom is sweet too!
  14. We are still waiting for the grand revelation of the secrets to 4 day color-up and same spot 4 day lapse photography
  15. Easy, to remember, put a link in your signature lor... then can easily recall if u r interested to find out the secret ways..
  16. I'll try to see if Sanjay has any idea on this new bulb. I dunt think he has received any for his testing purposes. Sorry to disturb your sales thread!
  17. I like the last part thanks for the laugh...
  18. Can anyone see what the thread starter has said that shows how he stayed in position for a lapse of 4 days and also get his SPS to color up so nicely? Scarab,reefaholic,rav-65? Others apart from the die-hard sarkar supporter pls. thanks!
  19. Read a few times but no answers from the thread starter or the buddy. Wonder why.
  20. Dude, lets stick to finding out the miracle of the coloring up in 4 days and also his deep meditation methods in keeping still for 4 days.
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