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  1. Hi! What would u recommend as the minimum tank size for 1 picasso trigger? 75 gallons?
  2. U really think the mimic filefish is hardy? I'm contemplating between getting a picasso trigger or a mimic filefish. I'd really like a trigger cos of their personality and hardiness. But I lack space in my home, so the best substitute would be a mimic filefish. Any second opinion on files being as hardy as triggers?
  3. Hi! I've got a 29G reef that has been running for 6 months already, and I am planning on adding a sump and a refugium. The problem is, my aquarium does not have any built-in overflow box. Does anyone have any solution to my problem? I have also read about H.O.B. overflow boxes by CPR Aquatics. However, there have been negative remarks that these H.O.B. units can lead to overflowing of the tank. Is it true?
  4. Hello everyone! I'm considering keeping a tomato clownfish in my aquarium, but I'm not too sure how big it'll get. I've read in books as well as on the internet that they can grow up to 5.5 inches, yet some books and articles say that they get to about 3 inches in captivity. I am sooooooo confused. Can someone please help me??? So is it 5 inches or 3 inches now???
  5. I removed my 4-striped humbug with no difficulty at all. I managed to catch her on the first attempt (and also my very first attempt at catching damsels!) Just use a medium to large sized net, float it in the water for a few minutes, and chuck some food into the net. Then when it swims towards the food, just scoop it up as fast as u can. Good luck!!!
  6. White spot disease and marine ich are different names for the same disease (Cryptocaryon irritans). I think what u meant to ask is the difference between white spots and velvet disease (Amyloodinium ocellatum). There's more information if you visit http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/index.htm
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