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Everything posted by Alentino

  1. anyone knows where i can get cheap metal halides not from aquariums but from dealer source? anywhere in the east side? thanks
  2. I've been to atlantis once and saw a notice they put up that says "change water only once every 3 mths". what are your opinions regarding this?
  3. sob...sob..... bought the wrong crap again.... so which products do you recommend for complete trace elements AT?
  4. Thanks for the reply are these critters hardy? those hairy legged ones are pests aren't they?
  5. do those tiny porcelain and hairy crabs from rocks and acros molt? i've seen 1 or 2 dead crabs sucked up the filter on occasions and i'm not sure whether those are long dead or just shedded shells.
  6. is this product reliable? if i use it can i cut down on dripping kalk and reef builder?
  7. [quote: To test calcium,only 2 brands work: Salifert and Seachem. All e others are a waste of money. those 2 cost more but they are reliable. ] Really....? that's sad....
  8. does anyone have links to articles/info concerning the husbandry of gonioporas? I'm have a few gonio and porites.
  9. Hey bros, i'm using Sera Ca test kit too. Is this brand of Ca test reliable? and one thing about the solution turning blue, how blue is blue? i can only get very light blue each time i test, and not even sure whether that marks the end point or not. cuz i tried adding more drops and the color remains the same very light blue. please enlighten.
  10. yup AT, that's what i read in many books too, you need some suitable critters, note the word suitable, to stir up only the top layer of sand to prevent total anoxic region in the DSB which will then cause hydrogen sulphide build up. isn't that correct?
  11. i think it's likely to be pockets of hydrogen sulphide production due to complete anoxic conditions in the sandbed. sorry to hijack this thread but i have a question about using DSB in sump. is it ok if a just make a DSB in sump without converting it to refugium, that is without 24 hrs lighting and stuffs?
  12. i have a question about DSB. if i'm using crushed coral sand for my DSB, how much is enough for the depth? and also is it really necessary to include caulerpa or other any higher algae plus 24 hr lighting in my sump? can i just make do with the coral sand? Another question about using plenum. i have read the plenum space should only be 1 inch, what if i made it to 2 inch plus another 2 inch coral sand topped up with 1 inch sugar fine sand? will the plenum still function because of the elevated plenum space? please enlighten
  13. whew.... thanks so it was a case of oxygen competition after all, no wonder some fishes are gasping for air, but no worries anymore cuz everything is fine now and the skimmer does look alot dirtier than usual.
  14. i have a big skimmer, it does look quite aggresive, but i'm worried that my dad screwed up the tank this time because he added directly to main tank. the skimmer is in the sump, blast it
  15. My dad in m'sia added AZ NO3 over the main tank cuz i forgot to tell him to add it in sump. but he did follow the guidelines of dropping the different amounts day after day. now some fishes were showin some breathin difficulty and one just passed away i told him to stop the treatment. but what are the chances of other livestock surviving this? is AZ NO3 very potent?
  16. hmm.... dissolved nutrients, interesting.... i keep Gonios, galaxia, moon coral (favia), plate coral, fungia and clams in my tank, is this a harmful mixture?
  17. Thanks for the advise guys jazzben i'll be takin a pic of it soon and then i'll show it to you. it has been there for like 4 months already. yup i meant it as NO3 so if i relocate it to a more shallow area will the color return to the polyps? Gonioporas are really attractive.
  18. erm let me see.... NH4 - 0 NO2 - 0 NH3 - <20mg/l depth - 2.5 ft 2 x 150watt MH 2 x atinic blue PL temp - 28 C is insufficient lighting the cause?
  19. i have one brown flowerpot whose polyps are starting to bleach more and more lately, but the strange thing is that they are still fully extended and are still waving in the current. other flowerpots are doin fine, please enlighten.
  20. my nano reef tank never had any coralline growth after 8 months, and the coralline algae growing on the rocks of my 3 feet tank has been eaten bare by the stupid sea urchin. how do i get em back again?
  21. yikes, it feeds on soft corals, can't place in my tank then. thanks anyway Dispar Anthias
  22. is it safe to keep it in a reef tank?
  23. hmm... its been there for weeks already and it seemed fine until recently. other fishes were fine and behaving normally.
  24. My scooter goby has been swimming up and down against the glass for the past few days, is it stressed up or somethin? please help, thanks
  25. yup, it does have a hard base skeleton. a pity that this coral is so dull colured.
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