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Everything posted by Alentino

  1. haha, maybe it's because i've been changing water alot more than usual lately hmm.... i can't really say for sure whether it's because of marine snow, but i'm thinking of trying the new product "Bioplankton" now. the reviews looks promising I'm really too lazy to go into plankton culturing thats why i've always been using commercial liquid foods
  2. hmm... strong water flow, that's true, there are alot of them in my sump right now where the flow is pretty strong. have been using two little fishes' "marine snow", i hope this could sustain those interesting creatures.
  3. Dear experts, sorry i have no pics of these creatures so i can only draw and describe anyone know what this is? it is increasing in numbers in my tank and i noticed that they grow only in dark and unlit areas, especially on the glass surface. they can inflate and deflate and i tried touching one and it squirted water out. why is it multiplying and what do they need to thrive? please advice
  4. I have a question about this setup guys , will i need to pull up the output hose from the water each time i top up the container? cuz once you open the container for refilling air will enter and all the remaining water will flow out isn't it?
  5. I think i read somewhere as long as your lighting is of sufficient wattage plus at least a 6500k rating, that will be enough to meet coral photosynthesis demand. Actinic blues are only doin more for your eyes than for your corals
  6. Hi octopus bay, what is the function of the submerged curved hose in your top up box diagram? is the fresh water topped up thru that hose while the other straight one to allow air in when water level drops? why is the hose curved?
  7. thanks for the replies, hi benz, only the 1.0-2.0mm and the 2.0-4.0mm is available in my lfs and those folks also can't tell me what grade are those. i just told them i one their finest available sand. We are in Malaysia by the way the DSB is located in my sump which has nothing in it, no livestock/LR whatever. sump dimension is 2.5 x 1 feet i think..... i think i wanna replace the coarse grade with the grade 1 sand
  8. anyway, should i remove the coarser sand on top? and what would be the ideal sand grade for DSB?
  9. actually i don't know how to tell sand grades, i only know its about that size from this website http://www.wetwebmedia.com/deepsandbeds.htm i could be wrong about the grain size but it does look like what it's shown in the pics
  10. 4 months back when i started to construct a DSB in my sump, i filled it up with 3 inches of 1.0-2.0mm of medium grade sand. my original intention was to fill it up till 6 inches, but i have run out of sand. so i asked my father to help me buy more sand and top it up till 6 inches while i had to be away from home for quite some time. when i finally returned i discovered to my horror that my father had bought the wrong sand grade for top up, he bought 2.0-4.0mm of coarse grade sand and he had already fill them on top of the medium grade sand. so it's a bottom layer of medium sand and coarse sand on top, each layer 3 inches. I'm not sure whether this mix will still be a functional DSB. What should i do to improve things? Please advise
  11. oh... i've seen this movie on a vcd years back. it's called "The Story Of Ricky" or "Li Wang" in chinese
  12. you should be able to find it in any market
  13. maybe it's their way of saying "hi" and greeting the newcomers? haha
  14. you can feed your tangs with romaine lettuce soaked in a cup of bolied water to soften the texture. my yellow and blue tang graze lettuce like hungry locusts everyday
  15. it was written in books that ube anemones pack a powerful sting and should never be kept with small fishes
  16. Alentino


    that would be really interesting hahaha
  17. Don't lose heart bro rockfish, either those ppl are pranksters or narrow minded morons who misread your simple post. There will always be narrow minded morons around.
  18. I'd rather use the money to set up a magnificent and natural lookin reef tank
  19. they are rarely being sold in pet stores, that's why i consider them rare. $4 each would be really dirt cheap. I think Tiger cowries have a better lookin shells. but i wonder how much they cost?
  20. anybody have a clue about this rare gem?
  21. Thanks guys I sense the sea calling out to me, it's almost time to hit the waters
  22. Anyone knows when monsoon season in m'sia will be over?
  23. Does anybody know how much one cost?
  24. yup they are non-photosyntetic hence they rely on plankton capture to meet their diet
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