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Everything posted by Alentino

  1. and anthony calfo from WWM says regular misting of the mangrove leaves with freshwater get rids of salt deposits and could enhance their growth rate too. I shall try that.
  2. Thanks for the replies guys I too agree with the logic that nutrient export speed equals body mass gained. but its strange that so many articles claim they are such efficient nutrient exporters, hmm......
  3. mine took more than a week to feed when i transferred him from sugar fine substrate to grade 2 sand. they will feed eventually, probably just need time to acclimatize to new substrate.
  4. thats true.... considering their sluggish growth. have read conflicting reports about mangrove over the net, some say claim that they are so efficient that your skimmer will be rendered useless after a period. but most report says that they will do fine under 40 watts of fluorescent
  5. Hi, is anyone here successful in introducing mangrove shoots into reef tank without having them withering over a few days? Mine always seem to have the leaves slowly turning brown and drop off. is this normal and should i wait and hope that they grow new leaves or should i remove them? I acclimatise them to my tank water slowly before putting them in but it still does'nt work
  6. Aha.... thats the one i'm looking for Eric, thanks you cut the stainless steel yourself or you got the storeman to help you bro ?
  7. Alentino

    DIY MH rack

    Hi has anybody DIYed a simple MH stand, much like those pvc but except using metallic materials? Please show me pics and tell me where to get the materials,
  8. erm.... actually it can't be found in ordinary lfs but in can definitely be found in our ultimate lfs here, that is the sea
  9. i think its not worth exchanging with a squamosa cuz it really is ugly. My parents with one glance at it remarked, "this ugly clam should worth only 10 ringgits".
  10. would this be the hippopus you seek?
  11. yikes..... ok in simple words Kalk will definitely boost calcium level, however if your test has determined your calcium level to be super duper low, DON'T use kalk to bring up the value back to the desired 400++, cuz like they said will upset the balance of ph and stuffs. Just perform a water change or use calcium supplements. if it's not too low then dripping kalk will bring up Ca levels slowly with no negative consequences
  12. Alentino

    MH from Osram

    as long as the bulb is a minimum of 6500K daylight, it can be used. the yellowish look can be offset by atinics. I'm also using OSRAM bulb with no negative effects on my livestocks.
  13. Impressive article.... but perhaps a background picture of cells or DNAs, stuffs like that would be more appropriate?
  14. The writer who wrote this column sounds kinda poetic.... " When you see the reef tank in his home.... when he see how committed he is in helping others solve husbandry problems.... when he see his underwater photography collection... oh.... you will understand how passionate he is for this hobby... his passion runs as deep as the oceans... " kinda corny
  15. Force fins.... not sure how they look like but you could try split fins powerful proplulsion with minimum leg exertion. it's good for diving.
  16. Alentino

    Surge Device

    awesome concept fecgoh, i'm also thinkin of building a borneman surge device, but i like your design. but i have a question though, what do you use to mount the surge tank above your main tank? thanks
  17. thats true, sigh.... although it's not my problem but sometimes i feel a lil discouraged when i hear of massive marine drop outs.
  18. I'd rather employ DSB than using this dubious miracle mud.
  19. Any DIY experts can show me how to? Thanks
  20. hehe no worries, i did'nt miss out that part of instruction for my marine snow wow blue heaven, how did you get them to poliferate in your tank?
  21. Ah..... the wonders of live rocks many types of hitch hikers comin with it.
  22. mmmm.... DT sounds good, do i have to store in in refrigerator after opening seal?
  23. i would love to share my knowledge with you but unfortunately i don't know anymore than you about sea squirts and i have no idea why they are mulitplying too they are all transparent in colors. and oh by the way someone made a post earlier on about this creature and has pics, it looks exactly like those in the pics http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=12481 besides growing on glass i also found it under some rocks. maybe there are alot of them under your rocks too
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