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Everything posted by marinereef

  1. Hi.... Finally I have decided to sell my tank as above for $500. Only used for abt almost 2 mths.
  2. Thks bros comment....but I will make a comeback when the time is right. To maintain a clean sandbed,PO4 need to control by few methods...e.g.using phosphate remover. Good circulation,good & powerful skimmer,cut down lighting time or maybe a mature refugium.
  3. Hi.... Selling an orange-brown montipora @ $20 Interested pls pm me.
  4. ok bro untouchables.... Rocks will be collected on sat...so probably tangs r ready to catch on the same day. Anemone reserved by untouchables.
  5. LR is sold Clams r sold LS up for sale .... 1. montipora (orange-brown) $25 2. anemone $5 3. maroon clown $10 4. Grade 0 sand 75kg $20 (sold) Tangs to be collect on this sat or sun.
  6. Update..... LR is sold Clams r sold LS up for sale .... 1. montipora (orange-brown) $25 2. anemone $5 3. maroon clown $10 4. Grade 0 sand 75kg $20
  7. Hi ....... Just to update.... Only left the monti-cap - $ 25 Maroon clown - $ 10 Common clown - free for those who buy marron clown Anemone - $ 5 LR 60-70kg - $5 / kg (sells at whole lot) Grade 0 sand 75kg - $ 3 / 10kg
  8. Thanks for ur advise bro....will keep that in mind.
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