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Everything posted by Oceandeep

  1. Oceandeep

    Fish trap

    sorry to hijack.. I also want to lent to catch my bicolor fish
  2. I want the ballast.. how long u use?? Where to collect?
  3. interested on the clam.. sellin?? sms me at 97908510 for the price too. Txs
  4. only prob is your thumb screw is metal..
  5. think you need to isolate 1 item at a time, to see which item causes the shock.... if is light... then ground that fellow...
  6. 2 diameter size.. 15cm & 30 cm... 15 cm -- $1 30 cm -- $2 collect at woodlands (vista point)
  7. AT tank... setup is S$50K... read from Straits Times...
  8. think should hav a forum on ID and detail of fish, snail, coral, shrimp, etc
  9. have catch the fellow from the tank.. it move very fast.. dont seen like doin cleaning job...
  10. 1 tomoto clown 2 demsel As I shutting down my pico tank tonite.... Sms me at 97908510 to collect. Place to collect woodlands (vista point)
  11. ah beng is it at tropical fish farm?/
  12. that's a calculation of 1 fish in 11cm cube of volume....
  13. Got this white cheek tang .. yesterday. Try to feed the fellow with mysis, lettuce. BUt the fellow only swim very fast from left to right, right to left of the tank. Most of the time hide in the rock.... So how to make the fellow eat??
  14. Now I got 2 x Yellow Tang 2 X Blue Tang 1 X Lt Tang 1 x Sailfin tang 1 x Powder blown tang
  15. did the frame angel fish disturb your clam???
  16. have alot of these fellow.. that move around here n there... n they can multiple very fast... should I kill them all??
  17. the heat from the chiller will kill u .... my 5 cents thot
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