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Everything posted by uLtRaMaN

  1. yalor AT's damn tai ko one.......mine oso lidat, eats like a pig but kena ICH jialat jialat.............luckily mine is in quarantine tank if not confirm my other fishes oso up lorry ah....sighzzzzzzz
  2. Hi bro, from the pic i think d ht of ur tank shld be 2.5ft. Maybe u would like to confirm on that. Thanks.
  3. whahaha okie i shall start 1st AT is recovering well, thanks! TS, upzzzzz for u!
  4. walao y no one wants d LRs??? It's really a steal at this price man!!! I would have grab it without hesitation if they are being sold 1 month back. Cummon guys what r u waiting for???
  5. hmmm......since both got "ric" in them so shouldn't they be called Floridas & Yumas instead?
  6. Bro Earth how is ur AT doing? Anymore ICH?
  7. if u realized, ICH will also appear on those unsold ATs in LFS after a few days. So it's very important that lfs sells them fast otherwise they will suffer heavy losses. UV i find it's not that effective but i agree low salinity might reduce the possibilities of getting ich but we can't be keeping fishes in low salinity all year round right?especially if we are also keeping corals or inverterbrates.for copper wise i think it's a bit risky cause overdosing will kill them.
  8. aiyoh dun b so humble la......hehe.......too bad i dun keep corals now otherwise i would love to get some from you. Good luck to ur sales ya!!!
  9. Just cannot help getting my hands onto one whenever I see them in LFS, even though I am aware they are very demanding creatures. Just wanna know how many bros are actually successful in keeping them and how many bros are still struggling to keep them alive? How many had actually perished under your hands? For me I've one which died on me and the second one with me now is suffering from ICH and is undergoing hypo. Hoped he pulls thru. One thing i dun understand why they are so prone to ICH since they are eating like a pig? Cummon bros share your thoughts and the road towards the successful keeping of your beloved ATs! Thanks!
  10. no problem, im prepared for d worst anyway thanks bro, yup they r indeed beautiful but delicate creatures to own
  11. Thks bro,very kek sim now, dun feel like working manzzzzzz.
  12. haizzzz, sad to say my AT's ich condition had worsened even though it's eating very well........... im now doing hypo, hope that fella pulls through otherwise AT will be out of my list for a very long time, they're really difficult fishes to keep. sianzzz manzzz
  13. yalor that's y u see all my equipments are being squeezed into one compartment. Not going to do anymore modifications as everything is doing fine now.
  14. hehe mine still in quarantine tank. Been feeding henry's gourmet, omega one flakes & spectrum pellets. Can see a little ich on & off but still very healthy and eats like a pig. Over time, the immune system should improve and will then introduce into d main tank. Probably another 2 weeks or so. Wish me luck!
  15. actually there are quite a no of small compartments which i think is useless cause cannot put anything at all. so i removed a few pcs of partition to make the space bigger so that the skimmer can fit in. so now left only with 2 compartments that's y all the equipments are at the same compartment. i got no microbubbles problem though. You can see d layout of the sump.
  16. 1. My skimmer is in d rtn compartment 2. FR pump/inlet/outlet oso in d rtn compartment so recycling is quite a bit right?
  17. i asked because the FR pump is oso in d same compartment as my return pump. So i believed some of the processed water will go into the FR again, am i correct to say that? walao my tank is just a simple FOWLR la, definitely not a master piece or anything.
  18. bro so dat means to say it's just like the skimmer la? except my FR is outsump while the skimmer is in sump.
  19. Hi bros can someone tell me where should i place my outlet hose? Should i just place it in the sump where the inlet hose is? Or other sump compartments will be better?
  20. wow nice AT! yup agree the recent batches of AT from L201 are all feeding quite well. one thing about AT no matter how gd your water perimeters are ich will definitely appear. it's always safer to quarantine d fella and give good food and supplements to boost the immune system before releasing to your main tank.this way the survival rate will be much higher and also chances of infecting other fishes will be lowered as well.
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