1. Mystery
2. Radiant
3. Laboute
4. Exquisite
5. Splendid leopard
6. Lineatus
Please call/sms me at 93868533 if you are selling any of the above, thank you.
Letting go a piece of flame wrasse at 150. Abt 2.5". Big finnages.
2 pcs of solar wrasse at 20 each. 2" and 2" plus approx.
All feeding on flakes, pellets and henry's gourmet.
Interested kindly contact me at 93868533. Collection at Bt. Panjang. Paiseh PC something wrong so best to call/sms me.
A pail full of liverocks, quite big pieces to be given free with purchase of flame wrasse.
Thank you.
actually u nvr chiong oso gd la, nothing much. wanted to buy mystery wrasse but left only 1 small piece nia, haizzz ended up getting a pygmy angel. for this time round they will only be selling the flame wrasse in pairs only cause got a lot of females available.