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Everything posted by Maxima

  1. Aqua-Medic Products Website LeiLong SALE AquaMedic Ocean Light in Black color casing going for $400 2x150W DE + a blue moonlight of 24W Condition good as new, tested once, but not used -size don't fit. Do no comes with any bulbs. Actual price is $1400 Let me know if you are interested. For more information, plse goto Aquamedic Website. Max SMS: 9755-7784
  2. I've a medium size yellow xenia frag(2nd generation) going for $20 and a Large white pulsing xenia frag(3rd generation) ging for $40. The size of a Large frag is as good as size of what you get from LFS as colony size. Let me know if you interested. Max
  3. I think commercial projects involve 2 grade of solvent. the first applications is to joint up the contact the second applications of a gel like cement is to enforce any potent holes and also double strength the connection. Is all these material(Acrylic Solvent & Acrylic Cement) available in S'pore? If the answer is "NO".........so Max
  4. I would to gather inputs on longterm Reliability of DIY Acrylic made sumps, Tank, Calcium Reactors. I wonder if anyone have issues with leakages after a period of time. I notice Acrylic leakage tend t be an issues with most DIY, but never actively discuss in this forum . Max
  5. Hi Glare, how much wattage r u running ovr your tank? More than 1000W or 1200W? You got nice Acros specimens.s.s.s. Max
  6. Don't meant to be rude, but a full growthTang, even the smallest species can growth up to 7~8inch in 5~7 yrs. One of my Yellow Tang grow from 2 inch to 6.5inch in less than 3 yrs. Some species, like Naso or whatever goes to 16 inch............... 1~3 Tang per 5~6ft is a right choice. I don't recommend more than 1 Tang for 3~4ft tank, less you have a Cube = 3x3x3 or 4x4x4. Problem I observe here is that everybody kept buying and buying fish? Seems that you guys killing fish as fast as you buy it. Take a look at some of the people here buying fish..........one reefer can easly fill up Underwater World Sentosa I personally find some fish like the wrasse family and those fish that tend to hide in sand or rock are caught using cyanide - you are not to blame for their death in our tanks due to wrong mehod in the trade. But as for Tang, I believe they are cuaght using net - they don't hide. The chances of survive is higher. If you are always buying.......... think about it. Max
  7. Yes it can be use for external puposes. Max
  8. Anyone see any Blastomussa around? Have not seen these corals for several months ...........there seem to be abundance in US & Europe.....................CITES Blastomussa ID and Care for Reef Keepers Max
  9. Put it simple......................... GPs & Cyclop-eeze = CAN food - chop up of everything. BioPlankton & Coral Plankton = Frozen Food Culture = Live Food So what do you like to feed your corals? Juz a personal Choice..............Live Food will be best.......but where got time....... Max
  10. Most likely on Thursday......out of office for the pass several days.......downloading image is a pain with my current 38.4kbps connection @ home. BTW, so far the CoralPlankton has not induce ANY algae boom. I wouldn't say so for all other coral food below 700um out there. I've used the majority brands and the only 3 coral food source that did not cause a algae boom are CoralPlankton - less than 200um size BioPlankton -less than 16um size DT Plankton - less than 12um???? not too sure..... These are also subjective to your tank stability as well. But I've to say that, since I shift tank 3 mths back, I've induce a mini-cycle, therefore I wouldn't consider my tank as being stable, unless it is at least pass 12~18mths old. I'll update the pics soon........... Max
  11. You want, i can bring in........under bulk order. I was offer a free sample, but have to paid my own freight $$$$$$$$. 1 free SEIO + Freight charges $ = 1 Tunze 6060 I think there's 2 version of SEIO, the rest of the world version will be different from US as per RC. It will comes with a flow director that can change direction of targeted flow. The US version under testing will only be fix direction upon fixing to tank. Max
  12. Friend, this is NO KORALLIN......it is from Zeovit..........a THOMAS POHL PRODUCT. Just to make sure you guys open your eyes and tell the right brand................ Max
  13. THe SEIO from RIO u see is no going to be the model coming to S'pore. We will see the 4000L/hr model with rotating head available within the next 3 mths. THere is 6~8 models, but 1 model will be ready only. Patience. Max
  14. My wife also very supportive.....she like all the 6...6..6..6..6.. as wel. For example 6000ft free-hold estate, 16 ft Mercede SL600, 6 figure bank account, 6 maids, 6 platinum card ........more of the "six"...................except for 6ft Marine Tank Max
  15. I suggest you pass me all your fish and it will solve your problem................no need skimmer..........some more save money lah.......... Max
  16. Chk out Deltec Shelf Cleaning HEAD.....save you lots of time to do other stuff...... Talk Skimmer or Calcium Reactor...........Talk about "KING" Deltec When you buy some brands, we argue about if technically it works. When you buy Deltec, we argue about if technically it's the best or worst....second best?
  17. You can consider Deltec. I believe there are some test done in Europe and there has been preferences towards H&S or Delthec run with Eheim 1260, 1262 vs Aqua-bee. It seems that the larger skimmer fitted with eheim perform more consistently than the smaller units with aqua-bee............... Take a look
  18. BTW, that's the external outside sump model. What I've is the insump model. I think the external model should fit without modifing your sump? There's a lot of good skimmer, you juz have to tune it right Max
  19. Rodian, that's my H&S..............you steal my H&S BTW, my H&S skimmer cup already swallow the RSB alive.......................... Max
  20. Taka a look at MTC dual Chamber, running a Iwaki. I'm sure this monster will GUN down a Deltec Calcium Reactor, if you do not take the extra 2nd Chamber media volume into consideration. My take is Fluidised Design + Pump Rating + -> use the biggest pump size before over fluidising the media CR design in positioning of CO2 intake+ CO2 reuse concept Max
  21. Morgan, when do you need to confirm the booking? By April? Some of my friends might want to tag along............will le you know. Max
  22. FishLove or shall I say "Fish Love to Die". This magazine is a JUNK. My Dad use to buy this magazine for his Luohan and GoldFish passion. They started with a Marine column past several issues and I can tell you that those advise they provide is ready "Fish Love to Die". One of the recommendation is that you do not need to change water forever, juz top-up with tap water. Plus the additives recommended to be added.....oh man If you are associated with them, watch out someone might throw rotten eggs at you while you on the streets. Max
  23. It is the Tree coral, similar to cauliflower, but it will take light and Phyplankton as food. It is much easier to maintain since it can take light as a food source, unlike the general cauliflower family. There's a rarer green/yellow version call the african yello tree. Under right condition wil grow 4x~6X the size in a year...........can frag and sell -> good $$ BTW, it is nowhere near the Xenia family Max
  24. German has the best media....................
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