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Everything posted by Maxima
Hi Bro, Thanks for the support. I think I want to stop all these and it is taking too much of mytime and too many attacks from commercial interests at heart. I think the Agent of Rowaphos should step out, since he's the one representing the product. I GET NOTHING OUT OF THIS WHY WASTE MYTIME! Max
Hi Robe one more thing to add and that is Rowa was being delcared tha best product for PO4 removal and it is industrial knowledge. As I get ZERO financial benefit from them nor I'm the agent for Rowa. I think as a senior Reefer, you might want to write to Weil industry and ask for their Lab Report? If I post anything, our fellow Friend will be making noise again, maybe until the day he become the agent of that Product. Max
Mr Conrad Chua, I would like to stated the facts: 1. I stated that Rowaphos is not represent by me and if you stated in your earlier message that you are getting the agent right, isn't you happy that I just reveal the truth of a good product? 2. Your contraphos concentrate is 100% Rowaphos? This is questionabe from my part. You can get Aquaconnect to post their Material Content Specificaions to prove it? Or is it stated in the package - I just saw empty white bottle with no SPECIFICATIONS. 3. As I stated Rowa is patented and it is more effective than anything to remove PO4 & silicate, you don;t need to mix with other things. Mfgr mix with other stuffs to lower their own costs. Come on AT be objective. 4. Reports. There is a newer report available thru purchase. The one you posted is old................ Anyway say what you want and as always you are right in anything you and everything...no problem. I admit it's my mistake to reveal the truth on products you sell. Max
Hi Robert, you might be lead to think I'm the Rowaphos Agent. The fact I'm not and I'm just as you do passionate about this hobby and use what I tested to be effective. Well If someone sell seomthing stating it ia 100% of ther other product and infact it is not, what's your position? Interest to know, since I respect you as a passionate hobbyist and we have different style of reef keeping. BTW I don't sell RowaPhos nor am I an agent for Rowaphos in Asia. Why do I still use Rowphos till date? I don't get any benefit from it for paying high price to buy it if there is a alternative product............... Max
Robe you are right with your thoughts, but I should say every Brand has their design make different. BTW, who make a skimmer and measure the water to air ratio? Deltec did that and esure water & air mix ratio is consistent throughout their line of skimmers. Robe raise a good point in the chamber size of the skimmer. Can any Beckett skimmer brand ensure and test that their single Beckett in 8" chamber and 30" height has the same water & air mixture with another of their model in 6" chamber & 26" height? Questions here is nobody does that. Here we are trying to be objective. I'm stating design base on theory. As for AT: I understand where you coming from and I do not need to answer you. You win in everything lah Only what you stated are true Why spend so much time replying if you think I'm telling bullshit. Reefers can judge for themselves Max
Hoping Mid-June, everything in backlog.............quality cannot be rushed lah. Max
Rowaphos or the new COntraphos Concentrate. But make sure you run it with a Rowaphos reactor. Max
It is confirm effectiveness of 300% more, but the CONs is that Rowaphos get exhausted faster - need more reguler changes, but it will cut short your bryopsis boom cycle. Max
I receive a number of PMs on the other 2 brands that used the Rowa Formula. Plse, I'll not want to disclose the brand, as it is their disadvantage, so we should respect that different product, differnet price point and different customer. Due to their mixing of high % of coal & carbon into the product that make it cheaper. Anyway I "think" these 2 products not sold in S'pore yet. Max
Hi Ian, I agree with you. The tuning protion is also important. Jus like Formula 1 the Ferrari is quoted as having the better engine, but they don't win in every race? I think it is upto the user............I'm learning as well..........a lot of information is out of this world when I get communication with the expert who do teh design & testing..............more than preception I think. My roots in R&D, the basis in every product will should be relative sound in theory, design and physical lab test. Actual result will varies depending on a lot of variables. But a lot of products out there is not Lab test before release - cost is a fact running these tests. BTW, my aunt drives a BMW 540 and she stated it's fast, but the fact here is she never accelerated in full thottle, race nor drive above 110km. Is this a joke I think if you good in tuning your equipment, that's is the best performance equipment under your hand How's your Bryosis problem? Has Rowaphos worked as per your old thread............... Maybe we can talk offline .............PMs Max
The test result Deltec AP850 vs AB 5000 baby Deltec AP850 has as much as 50% more air suction in the reaction chamber anytime. This is also true that AP850 has finer bubbles as well. BTW, test result shows Ab is not even in the same league as Deltec. The only brand that come close with 20% of Deltec is H&S external units, cope with right feed pump. Plse note these are Lab test, not base on personal opinion or our eyes looking at beloved skimmer . Btw, unless you think air is not needed to skim effectively, than the arguement will be different. There's alot of data that is not Marine base out there, from water recycling plant on the imprtance of Air Suction on Skimmming. You need to take a read. Max
I'm only compiling base on Lab test done in German & UK. This is test base on Media type PO4 Absorbing products. Bacteria & other type not tested. The truth that Rowaphos is patent product by Weil Industry(Rowa). Only Rowaphos work ahead of the competition. It will reduce PO4 and Silicates. Only Rowaphos is tested to lower Seawater lower than 0.08ppm PO4. Non of the products can do that. - Don't believe? Use a Merc Lab test kit - U can get it at eAquanature for $250/kit To give you an idea. 200g of Rowa outperform 1kg of item 8. So what's the only solution? RowaPhos. Rowa is OEM and market under different name? Not too sure. As AT stated that the Contraphos Concentrate is the same OEM by Rowa. I'm not too sure any other new brands that is OEM by Rowa beside Rowaphos & Contraphos & 2 other brands {W%% & A%%%)? Maybe somone who knows can share? How to know you are buying your money($) worth of Rowa base OEM products regardless of brand Check the moisture- Rowaphos claim to have the lowest moisture. They claim other brand name add a cup of water to their products So when you buy 1L, maybe 50g are water Don't be CON by those bullshit that the color looks different because they add enhancer Rowa is patented and has the highest rate of absorbing PO4 & silicates. So what enhancer you need? So the trick here is to mix 70~80% real Rowa and 20~30% normal coal and stated it as a enhancer There's a review in Europe and report can be purchased at a minimal fees - NO BULLSHIT 1 Aqualine Antiphos 2 JBL PhosEx 3 Amtra Phosphat reduct 4 Rowa Rowaphos 5 Aquaconnect Contraphos 6 Seachem PhosGuard 7 Tropic Marin Elimi-Phos 8. PhosBan 9. Aquaconnect Contraphos Concentrate 10. BioPhos 11. Phos Away Max
If you look at the overall performance of a lot different brand name skimmer, we tend to use the eyes So what's the factual truth? It's the Air & Water mixture. A good skimmer will be Air Suction Power with Water Ratio. If anyone wanted to test any skimmer, use a Air Suction Meter & Water Flow Meter. Deltec end up 300% to 20% against all Venturi and Needle Wheel major Brand name out there. An example will be the Deltec hang_on type skimmers vs brand name of RXX SXX of similar capacity. RXX SXX brand produce 30L Air vs Deltec 312L ofthe same skimmer size The only equipment that can match Deltec is the Beckett. But wait..............there's a catch. U wil notice that Beckett Skimmer tend to size not base on number of Beckett, but height & size of reactio chamber. So is this tested? So what do I mean? Any Beckett skimmer of same physical size with different pump will perform with different result. Any Any Beckett skimmer running the same pump with different physical size will perform with different result. If you go to any Beckett Skimmer website, you will realised that a single Beckett can be make into different size reaction chamber & cylinder. This is bullshit. Believe me, if you run a Lab test, you will realised Beckett work best under a specific physical. SO if you are looking at a bigger beckett, go for a dual or triple beckett. Don't ever buy a GFN XXL single Beckett, you will/are infact losing alot of efficiency. A 3000L rate single beckett wil not perform any better than 2 single beckett rated for 1000L, infact the single beckett will perform worse off And if you use Beckett, do not save on pumps - it's the key So if you compare a 6000L rated skimmers, plse compare to 4 Beckett. hint- 1500L per beckett. So the power effiiency of 4 beckett, run by 4 MD55 So if any so call Guru or Ma_Chee_Ku tell you he's an expert and base on what he see , the skimmer is good Think about it. Max
Simple: Stress out over time and die over period of time. Careful Max
Hi Strat, it is a hang_on unit. FYI, all german & American MH are hang_on. Max
Selling the following JBJ CO2 1.5Kg bottle + twin gauge Regulator + Solenoid. for $120 AquaMedic Ocean Light 4ft 2x 150W DE + 24W MoonLight System for $400 Comes without the 2 150W DE bulbs Deltec 3ft T5 Twin Fix Retrofit 2x 39W - $250 with 1 mth old tubes Max
A hint: something you need to spend time to culture.......... Max
Beside these lower parameters, the germans uses less wattage of light than the American, but still produce more colorful SPS corals. The less wattage of light to produce more colorful SPS is what I've tried for some.......long to attain. Max
Actually my commends all along refer to Thomas Pohl Zeovit Method vs whatever. If you ever go to his website, he did not specific anything??? Any seasoned SPS reefer can easily understand the logic below the system. I ws petty surprise the folks in RC seems to be "NOT SO KNOWLEDGABLE" as to how exactly this system work Zeovit only tell you to follow instructions, it means step by step instructions. SO what do reefers learn from his method? NOTHING ! I guess as a responsible reefer & businessman or so call expert in this field, he has the right to explain how his method works.......but then........once you understand the logic behind, you can use your own method base on our own application knowledge to map to such system parameters. The world of SPS is not just Beckett Skimmer, DSB, refugium or Zeovit, there's definitely more than that Max
Last to add, no matter what method we use, I show respect to reefers who are commited and can bring out the colors of their SPS. Everyone is MASTER of HIS own Applications.
Alan my friend, these are basics Nutrients are what in the water and feedings is what te corals eat. Left over how? You have to get rid of it, else it turn into nutrients. Max
2 more things to add. I do no believe in a refugium. If the refugium can survive, there will be nutirent. SPS environment in the wild is totally different from a nutrient rich algae shoreline. So if your refugium is doing well and think this is great for your SPS main tank- should you be happy? BTW, Rowa is not Deltec and I've nothing to do with Rowa. BTW it is distributed by Patrick. Max
BTW there's an institute in %^$$ which specialize in Marine & Coral study. These facts can be found in their white(research) paper, but you have to pay to obtain a PDF copy. Max
Agree with this statement: ________________________________________________________________ Yup... as Hon has stated, the German Zeovit guy doesn't recommend DSBs to be used in conjunction with the Zeovit system coz of the reason Hon gave. ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Simply, how this system works is that is makes the water so starved of ammonia, nitrites, nitrates & other nutrients that the SPS corals have no way of absorbing nutrients from the water and brown up as a consequence of zooxanthellea overgrowth but now has to rely totally on light... and thus develop the colourful UV pigments when there is good lighting and to prevent possible oversaturation that causes bleaching. ________________________________________________________________ Totally wrong SPS cannot produce enough food thru light using photosynthesis since not enough nutrient to go along. You need nutirent + light for photosynthesis -have you forgot your basic secondary lesson? BTW the recent findings is that high desity zoos are brown and low desnity zoos can be colored- I think you have beed too busy to read up? For Zeovit user, why bleaching? Several facts 1. too low nutrient so not enough for food for corals 2. Total loss of zoos since no nutrient, liht is useless, so zoos in corals will be wasted away, resulting in bleaching. So how Zeovit work? 1. Thomas Pohl advise to use amino acids daily and vitamins as well. This is controlled dosing and feedings and the right combination will result in the color-up of SPS, since the SPS do not need to depend on light for food. The color of SPS will lighten up as such. AND these lighten coloration is a reduction in zoos density, but still useful in producing food at a lower rate. The UV-a, UV-b & UV-c of the MH or T5 will give a coloring cast on the SPS resulting in the fluo-colorations. But as AT mentioned, u do not necessary need to use Zeovit, since if you are capable of maintain a perfect low nutrient thru 1. Refugium 2 DSB 3 Skimmer U still can get good result. Zeovit is not necessary invincible. AND BTW, there are are a few other method out there that work equally well or not better. As I always said, applications + personal knowledge of your own system is the key. BTW, Thomas Pohl have not or for purpose do not want to tell the essence of his method, else everyone can invent something base on the theory. Well I just stated the THEORY Max
I think all experience SPS reefers know that daily feeding of SPS cause more problems than having several fish in a tank -provide yu don't over feed yr fish? First - I don't use denitrator. Second - I don't use tons of Rowaphos - last me mths per use Third - Rowaphos can last much longer than Contraphos - already reviewed & tested on a European website Fourth - good T5 reflector is the key - forget about china made T5 and your neighhood DIY - unless a DIY using SiO2 material + computerized reflector cutting and bending. Fifth- the tricks lah I think the basic requirement is still to feed the corals on a daily basis and these will easily bring the NO3 & PO4 up..........I think feeding corals bring up the PO4 & NO3 faster than anything. Most SPS corals are opportunistic predators and alot of the food we feed go to waste and turns into nutrients I think there are a few extreme reefers in RC that do not have fish and do not feed their corals - maybe this fall into the category of zero bioload. Max