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Everything posted by jervis

  1. Am lucky as always... went to CF 2 days ago... was told a super rare wrasse in QT (no ID)... after 2 more trips... finally this SANTA-looking wrasse adds to my collection It's a Hawaiian Flame Wrasse... believe it or not... CF first time bringing in... only 1 piece available this shipment Santa been good to me this year... Pix taken during acclimatizing... feeding frozen mysis and brine shrimp already
  2. Hi bro Pierre... currently I am just keeping a school of BE Anthias (aka Lyretail) as they are one of the easier species and less demanding when it comes constant food supply... I might wanna introduce a couple of Bartlett in the future... but not at the moment
  3. Err... it can be quite annoying also... having waves coming from all directions I think your Prata will hate it
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