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Everything posted by icceman

  1. Found the Redfin butterfly dead when I reached the office this morning. I'm not surprise because he hasn't been feeding for the past 3 weeks..think staved to death.
  2. The "twin spot goby" is very hardworking. Keep eating the sand non stop, now my sand bed white white liao I originally bought the diamond goby to help clean the sand bed. Think I bought a lazy fish, everyday just hide under the rocks and sleep only. Come out also never eat sand, just stay put at one place & "stone" there.
  3. Thanks The guy told me it's a rainford, then I try to search for more info about the fish on the net..but the pic don't match
  4. Bought a two spot goby, a purple sea fan & an unknown fish at AM just now. Anybody knows the name of the fish?
  5. Yupz...read that cowfish will release toxin if she's stress or dead. But she is simply too cute, can't resist At first I'm still afraid that she'll be too slow to fight for food with the rest of the fishes. So, I will scoop her up using a plastic container & feed her. Haa...but now, don't bother liao, because she'll go "turbo mode" during feeding time. No problem getting her share of the food I wanted to get a bigger tank, but can't as there's no space next to my desk in the office. Hee...I saved some $$ on the livestocks as most the fishes were "adopted" by my colleagues ("Adopt a fish/coral scheme"). That's why there's so many fishes in the tank now They'll get to name the fish/coral if they adopt them
  6. Me did consider to get a Seio pump, but it's too powerful...will create a mini whirlpool in my small tank and blow up all the sand. So in the end, get 2 smaller pump and place it in 2 different location.
  7. Thanks for the advice bros Hee...I know that I'm guilty of adding too many fishes too fast But can't resist the temptations..that's why I'm performing a 30% weekly water change (twice a week, 15% once). Presently using a Prizm skimmer & a Skimz FR with SORB-4 & PUR-II. With my hardwork, water perimeters are controlled at around : SG - 1.023, Ammonia - 0, Nitrite - 0, Nitrate - 15-20ppm (can't get it down to less than 15ppm). I think I have weird gobies...it seems that all of them are living together under the same liverock. The yellow watchman goby (paired with the piston shrimp..the shrimp is always behind the goby) will be doing the morning "guard duty". While the diamond goby takes the evening shift
  8. RIP list : 2 x false clown - They were already infected with clown fish disease when I bought them (The LFS should have QT the fishes, not display them for sale ). Lasted only 3 days. 1 x purple queen - Not feeding. Lasted only 1 week. 3 x tubeworms - They become the food for the cowfish 1 x spotted sweetlip (AKA agogo clown) - Not feeding. Everyday just swim here & there & pecks at the liverocks. Lasted only 1 week. 1 x Sea pen - Got stuck in the powerhead. I thought it's a normal soft coral, then later found out it's a sea pen...which moves about. Lasted only 1 day Lessons learned - 1). Don't trust 100% the words from LFS, do your research properly first before buying your livestocks. 2). Buy quality livestocks from good LFS.
  9. Thanks The cowfish is one of my favorite fish in the tank. Greedy little fellow, eats anything..including the tubeworms. I bought 4 tube worms, now left only 1. Yupz...the redfin butterfly do touch my corals, but he's not eating it (no coral damage). Just peck here and there. I wonder how long he can last because he's not feeding. The uncle in the LFS said "Very easy to keep...eats anything" Once he's in my tank..eats nothing. Just peck here and there (live rocks & corals) for the whole day (for 2 weeks liao). The solar fairy wrasse is very tame, gets along well with the rest of his tank mates.
  10. Long horn cowfish Blue tang and finally... Full tank shot Live stocks in the tank: 2 x false clown 2 x green chromis 1 x fire dartfish 1x blue tang 1 x redfin butterfly 1 x foxface 1 x solar fairy wrasse 1 x long horn cowfish 1 x diamond goby 1 x yellow watchman goby 1 x yellow nose goby 3 x algae hermit 2 x electric blue hermit 1 x heart urchin 1 x sand starfish 1 x cleaner shrimp 2 x ###### shrimp 1 x piston shrimp Corals: Frogspawn Toadstool leather Finger Leather Jewel Torch Green mushroom Zoas Red sponge Orange sponge Red bamboo
  11. ###### shrimp Redfin butterfly False clown Fire Dartfish Electric blue hermit crab
  12. Just some pics to share with you guys Foxface Solar Fairy Wrasse Diamond Goby Yellow watchman goby
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