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  1. 1 used unit of pinpoint ph meter for sale at $170. Used for 3months.
  2. If i had only 1 more day to live, i would want to be in my statistic class, it would make the day seemed much longer ;p
  3. Stop dosing the amino acid. Your tank has not reach stage 3, dosing of aminoacid concentrate now will cause the slime.
  4. Carrier craze...beware the scouts.
  5. Thats a bottlebrush Its a creamy yellow base with green tips if im not wrong.
  6. Big SPS shipment at the blue signboard today. Alot of tables and acros. Encrusting montis as well as pocci. Very nice colours as well.
  7. Definitely go for eheim. Sicce pumps produces alot of heat from my experience. Not something you want running 24/7 in your tank.
  8. Are they slimy? Do they trap bubbles? Do they form thick sheets on the sandbed? If so, you have cyanobacteria. Which is not calcareous by any means.
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