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Everything posted by charlie

  1. Hi Bro, Wat is the brand of the T5 Hood and Florescent? Thanks Charlie
  2. Hi, Has anyone has a Pic of the DI filtration unit to show? If convenient state the price too. Thanks
  3. Hi, Can anyone advise, how to get rid of the apitasia? Thanks
  4. Hi My anemone is getting bigger and bigger, wat should I do? How to control its growth? Please advise. Thanks
  5. Hi, So far has anyone use DI water for their topup and water change? Is this good? Comment please. Thanks Charlie
  6. Hi, Any bro here can review and comment on the DI unit? Is it advisable to use on a 3ft tank? ( 35gallon ). Thanks
  7. Hi Piglet, If were to get solely a RO unit from Sealife will it help to eliminate the browish stain? Btw how does this RO works? Pls advise. Thanks
  8. So, RO is better? or DI is better? Or Both RO/DI? Btw How much have u bought for ur RO/DI unit? and for wat capacity tank? Thanks
  9. Hi Whether is a RO or DI, will it helps to eliminate the brownish stain deposited on the sandbed and PH equipments?
  10. Hi How is this thing works? zero knowlede of this chiller stuff, can briefly explain? Thanks Charlie
  11. Hi, How much does the AB top up system cost? Thanks Charlie
  12. Hi, Dr.evil If were to DIY a 4x39W T5 with reflector, eballast, waterproof endcaps plus the alumininium fixture but without T5 Tubes. approx. wat is the total cost? Thanks
  13. Hi can I know how you mount ur Eballast? will there be any cover for it? Hopefully u can show the complete finished set. Btw, well done thanks for sharing.
  14. Hi, Wat abt feeding the tang with raw garlic, the one that we use for cooking? is it effective?
  15. Hi Sis, Can you advise on the frequency of your keep feeding means? will it cause high phosphate? Thanks.
  16. Hi Bro, Will the ich contaminate my whole tank?If is it wat should I do?
  17. Hi Can anyone help to identify why my 2 Tangs keep rubbing on sandbed and LR? I notice 1 of the tang size is getting thinner and shrinking and the other half of the body is darker in color ( only 1 side of the body ). But other fishes is normal. Btw I've just bought these 2 Tangs only less than 1-2 weeks ago. What could be the disease? Hope someone can help. Thanks
  18. Hi, Any Bro, have any idea whether is it possible to custom make a small sump of approx. L340mmxW200mmxH.350mm? If the answer is possible, then wat would be the return pump be used?. Thought of running together with a EHIEM cannister. Any small sump design to contribute?.Thanks
  19. Hi Dr. Evil, can explain how is the dimmable works. When power up, is it the FL will slow light up? or you an additional device to control this dimmable e-ballast? Hope you can advise. Thanks Charlie
  20. Hi, How is pyramid snail looks like? Have any Pic to show? Thanks Charlie
  21. Yes, using ground probe will help, but it will not be permanently solve the problem if there is current leakage from any of the PH. Because the root cause is still exist. If confirm there is leakage basically, ur ELCB should trip. Then it better that you remove and replace ur PH. But if it is electrostatic charge it will discharge as long as the ground probe is grounded.
  22. I do have this experience before when I just bought my SEIO pump after running for few days. But mine is on the left hand, and my right hand is OK. The fortunate thing is that I don't see lights on when tested with test pen. Same thing, I disconnect the pump by unplugging it out from power point, next I use a cloth place underneath my both feet and I power back the pump and do the test by left hand and this time I do not feel anything, after dipping for a few time. I don't feel anything even without the cloth underneath. But as for ur case is good that you test it with test pen because since it can light up ur test pen means quite high voltage ( Be Cautious and careful ).
  23. Hi, Bro, Why not try by disconnect the equipment one by one, make sure all equipment is totally unplug. after that test it with ur test pen, if the current still exist, then that could be electrostatic charge. Hope this may help. Charlie
  24. Hi, Can post a pic of the "Industrial one". Can it really do the job as wat the RO/DI do? And how much is it? Have you tested it before? Hope u can give more info. . Thanks Charlie
  25. Hi, Recently, many ppl are buying the abovementioned product which is cheap. Hope someone can post a review, So that more ppl can benefit it. Thanks Charlie
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