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royal gramma

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Everything posted by royal gramma

  1. thanks for all the interest. all fishes currently reserved. will contact the next person if 'aeroplaned'. Fr sold too. Sorry, if unable to reply to all. Live rocks covered with coraline still available. Have a beautiful Sunday.
  2. 1. live rocks, one coralife bucket full, free mushrooms (green tip hairy mush and discoma) included as showned. acan in the picture not included. $20 2. acan red and green (as showned) $8 3. Resun 1000 FR, good condition, $15 4. Male blue chin trigger, 4 inch, $18 with free big boxer shrimp $18. healthy & feeding on pellets. 5. long nose hawk fish 2.5 inch, $8. healthy & feeding on pellet collection at kembangan.
  3. $22 about 4 ". feeding on pellets. very healthy Free bangai cardinal and big boxer shrimp. ( sorry no picture cause now housing in the blue tub) collection at kembangan.
  4. here it is, hope it is not spoilling your thread. A whale shark. pardon my photography skill. (somebody's shoes)
  5. Will try to pose a decent picture of a whale shark if i could find it.
  6. Beautiful shots! what an experience to be able to swim with the sunfish which i could only see it at the Osaka aquarium. Any sps spotted?
  7. Tonga branch 1 pail 10 to 12 branches, mostly covered with coraline. I've 2 pails at $30 each pail. The rest 2 to 3 fist large at $2 per kilo. collection at Kembangan.
  8. 1 Try not to use the valve to control the water flow into the chiller. 2 Try to pipe your chiller returns directly back to you main tank. ( return flow rate may not be sufficient if your tank volume is big ) I pipe my 1262 to my chiller then to my tank as return, no problem with chilling and kicking in.
  9. Here's a beautiful queen. Wish my queen looks like that.
  10. This is a Beauty. Clarionese is nicer when it is juv, once it loses its blue stripes, it is just an orange angel with blue borders.
  11. No, I mean the real thing. Just my observation. Is yours Brazilian or Carribbean?
  12. Beautiful queen you have Weileong and Stanley. Are they Brasilien or Carribbean? Any difference btw the two. I find those adult fr Brazil tends to be more yellowish then the Carribbean counter part..........
  13. BE anthias and lugol reserved. thanks for all your interest and pm. been really busy today, sorry that unable to reply to all. FR and the rock is still available.
  14. blue eye anthias 1.5 "(F) $6; with me for 1 yr. Resun Fr height 33cm diameter 9cm, without pump $17. Kent's lugol almost full $9 1 rock consist of 1 purple yuma, 4 green hairy mushroom and 1 small frag of acro; humilis. $18 collection at Kembangan
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