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  1. wow, expert talk sia. does make sense thou.
  2. FOC, look out for those decomm tanks or others who wants to give them away.
  3. I think all yr LS will up lorry before the Oring breaks down.
  4. why 12mm? 10mm is more than enuff. go kelantan lane, few glass maker there, 2 feet cube, the most $160. dow corning silicon w lifetime warranty, but self collect, delivery not included.
  5. no rocket science involve in FR, go get a resun.
  6. i hav seen those so called "live" roti n phyto. bot a few bottle to try. did some measurements too. omg, its high in po4 n no3. no wonder everytime after use the following week sure aglae boom. furthermore not sure if its 'alive' or fresh as every time pass by lfs sure can see the same old bottle there. not recommended .
  7. why treat our road like a race track? ppl have have family to take care. really hate those boyracer, simply foolish.
  8. hi bro, thanks for been a Busy body. cheers happy piloting.
  9. who is e pilot? can u post a pic, i m very interested
  10. opps bro, apologies for my comment. can u post an updatedpic of yr hybrid, hav not really seen one myself, just heard it exist nia.
  11. maybe spiderone has an answer to tat. his driving style pretty similar.
  12. hybrid means 'chup jeng', not pure breed. wonder who will be so foolish to pay 3 digit price for it?
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