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Everything posted by Volitan

  1. I am Dory. Does any one knows why we are Dorys?
  2. Haha, the other day I saw the boxer standing just in front of my angler, and disturbing it. I almost thought it would be eaten... But apparently my angler was not confident in gulping up the boxer.
  3. Belive it or not, my boxer is now living with my angler & dwarf lion. Instead of becoming food, it seems to be the boss around the territory. Think its size is quite "commandable".
  4. Hmmm, I remembered you were searching for a radiata. No luck, apparently? Me neither...
  5. Awesome!!! Wish I cud have a tank like that!! BTW, how do u tell the gender of the lion?
  6. My pics of the anglers are outdated. Will try to get some updated photos. Personally I dun feel much difference in terms of colour, maybe it has grown bigger.
  7. I see that you have added another lion... Is tat a volitan? Got close up pic of ur lions?
  8. May I know what does your fu man chu feed on?
  9. Lettuce can be used to feed tangs rite? Even for fuge, is it safe? Tot Spore water quite oily and dirty, esp low tide. So will it contaminate the sump, and eventually the main tank? Think a little liao.
  10. as a guide, my 2x1.5x1.5 ft tank is abt 30 gallons.
  11. Is it safe for consumption? Any way to "disinfect" or wash before using?
  12. It appears to me that you are setting up 2 tanks, rite? Is it possible to have a bigger tank instead. Makes your life easier.
  13. The tanks those sizes may not be able to accomodate pumps to drive WP2011. I am also considering setting up a 1ft cube tank. This is one of my constraints.
  14. Hmmm, interesting. But it hasn't happened to me yet. Maybe my angler colour blind. But I do have visitors who are not able to spot the angler, even when it is right in front of their noses.
  15. If they are those common grey anglers, costs will be $8 - 10.
  16. So far I have not read anything about them changing colour as camouflage. Still, I tend to agree that they do change colour wrt the environment, but they may not be fickle as, say, octopus or squids?
  17. Yes they do, but to a certain extent. The angler I bot via SRC was originally bright red, now its orangy yellow...
  18. Brudder Angry, Ur angler no need to really target feed liao. Now it's very alert when food comes near it. Only problem I have to lure and chase away my dwarf everytime I introduce food to the angler. Still trying to wean the angler to frozen. U got any bright ideas?
  19. Hmmm.... ok, will try get some and hope for the best.
  20. It will turn white?? Dun make me happy leh.
  21. I am still trying means to get it to eat frozen food. But it does not seem interested leh... How does this lancefish look like? Machiam Ikan Bilis is it?
  22. Hi Angry The lancefish and shrimps you mentioned - are they live or dead food? Do you know exactly where to get them, ie address or directions?
  23. Hmm, how interesting... My dwarf is very alert. Everytime something goes into the tank he would quickly investigate, and determine if it's food. Once my friend used my tank as a holding bay for its clowns and damsels (still in the plastic bag of course). Immediately the dwarf came to check. Within minutes, it started to "attack" the LS. Even though the clowns and damsels are bagged, they still jumped as if on fire.
  24. My dwarf hardly grew an inch; it has been with me for more than 4 months liao. Anyway it's good in a way, I am only using a 2ft.
  25. CF = Coral Farm. Its located at Lim Chu Kang.
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