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Everything posted by Volitan

  1. I won't need a chiller in the office. I am migrating my LS home. Finally got my long waited approval. Now in the process of designing my tank, but got space constraint, that's why trying to squeeze the chiller into my small cabinet. Targeting a 2.5 ft tank. U still want your clowns? If not I continue keeping. And yes, I realised that I am no longer a "lionfish". Mods, is there anyway to stay as a "lionfish" irregardless of my number of posts?
  2. Does anyone wants to share his / her experience on choosing a desired chiller? Do you buy a chiller to fit into your cabinet, or do you buy a cabinet big enough to fit your chiller?
  3. I am looking for cabinet and hood.
  4. I came across this term "balau wood" in a koi forum. Has anyone used this before? It seems to be cheaper than chengai but equally durable. BTW, does anyone has any recommendations to carpenters for building tank cabinets? It's my turn to "upgrade".
  5. What do you guys look out for when choosing a chiller? Feel free if you want to rank them out in the following posts. Is there anything I missed out? Btw, the above choices are placed in alphabetical order. for your time.
  6. If I read your post correctly, you are planning to make a (almost) 4 x 4 x 2ft tank. If your overflow is in the centre of the tank, you may have problem reaching it for maintenance. One other point you might want to consider is your light positioning, which may end up directly above your overflow, which you may not want that to happen.
  7. Anyone has any idea what kind of macro algae is the most "popular" among algae blennies? I am facing the same "starving" problem.
  8. Yeah, quite good luck to find a frozen-feeding antennata. Best part is that it is now living in harmony with my fire shrimp. I am scouting for a dwarf zebra that feeds on frozen. Anyone has 1 to sell?
  9. Erm, may I know how you managed to catch the fireworm? I have a dunno-what worm hiding in the crevices of my LR that hardly comes out. But I guess it should be quite big, considering that it has lived in the rock for months now. No harm done yet, but can't be sure in future. Sorry if I .
  10. Very colourful specimen for wild-caught. If it's small enough, it could be "trained" to live in peace with corals. I once found a hitch-hiker hairy crab among the LR, but it never disturbed my corals.
  11. Is it reef safe? Where did you get it?
  12. Hmm... so it may take some luck to get some thing that eats cyno and diatoms. Anyone here selling such LS?
  13. Narita... is it the type that may wander out of water? I think I had 2 of those, which eventually left the water and died outside the tank.
  14. Just curious, how many of you actually buy damsels or whatever cheap fishes to feed your anglers?
  15. Can anyone verify this statement (extracted from Electric Blue Hermit Crab from Liveaquaria.com)? What else eats cyno? Is there anything that will consume diatoms too? "The Electric Blue Leg Hermit Crab is a valuable addition to an aquarium because it will eat algae including green hair algae and cyanobacteria."
  16. IMHO, it's possible that lions and clowns (or other fishes per se) live in harmony. Chances are increased if:- 1) The clowns are introduced into the tank 1st; 2) The clowns are bigger than the lions (the bigger the clown, the lower the chance of getting eaten ); 3) The lions have been weaned into frozen food for some time already. Again, I do not guarantee anything. The a/m will only increase the chance of survivability. On the other hand, do note that some fishes can be harmful to lions. Lions essentially only hunt for food. But some fishes which are faster swimmers may nib at the lions' finnage that eventually kill them due to stress and severe damages.
  17. I have yet heard anyone's lions taking pellets in this forum. It would be very lucky if your lion takes frozen mysis or shrimps. Agree with Angry that volitans are generally quite easy to wean to frozen. Now I have an antennata feeding on mysis, thanks to Shoelevy. I have, however, tried unsuccessfully weaning dwarf zebra. If someone got a dwarf zebra feeding on frozen mysis do share your experience.
  18. I guess this will have to depend on the 'character' and type of the lion as well as the frequency of feeding. Once in a while may not necessarily change the lion's appetite, but if done every other day, for a couple of months, then, yes, it may need to be re-weaned.
  19. I don't think T5 will melt your mushies. I used to place my mushrooms above mid level when I was using 6x24 T5s. I have changed to MH already, and the mushies are still doing fine at mid level, but my MH is almost 1ft above water level.
  20. Can advise on the location or address of this Hai Chew shop? Thanks. I need to get wood too.
  21. Skimmer is good for 400 ltr. Pl refer to the link below on Macro skimmers http://www.aqua-macro.com/product.htm
  22. I thought you trying to show us you got black clams.
  23. Hi all I have a Macro AS100P skimmer for sale. Approx 6 mths old. I got it from a fellow reefer about 2-3 months ago. Very good condition. C/w the parts as shown, and with an improvised "silencer" too (see last pic). Selling because upgrade to AS350P liao. Interested buyer pl pm me. for reading.
  24. Wouldn't reducing the air intake result in less bubbles for skimming? Did the insertion of the valve affect your skimming output?
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