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Everything posted by Volitan

  1. What's the colour? Is it pinkish purple or pink?
  2. Nope, mine's a fuzzy dwarf. I already need to target feed an angler, and you still want me to adopt another target feeder? Wahlao, like that I need to spend my whole lunch time feeding these two. How about dropping some food @ 1 corner to divert your volitan's attention, then feed your antenna? BTW, went to PR earlier. Saw an antenna too, about 3".
  3. Noted. I really cannot bear to part with him leh. It has become very responsive. Behaving more like a luohan rather than a lion. How strange... But if he continue to snatch the angler's food, I may really consider giving him up. Will give you priority if it happens. But don't be too hopeful.
  4. Actually some amount of salt might be lost when there's salt spray. You may want to check and compensate the loss once in a while, or during change of water.
  5. I also not so good. For nothing I kena fever last nite (not from lion sting though), so today MC. My dwarf is getting more and more adorable liao, very responsive, esp to food. A little worrying about bioload, if I were to get another lion, tats why someone (you know who) advised me to sell the dwarf...
  6. Wow, I am impressed... I guess your triggers were small enough to fit into the angler's mouth. As there are other residents housed with my anglers, I cant just throw in the food and expect the anglers to feed, cos the other occupants are just too fast for them. So I need to target feed them. Quite a hassle...
  7. Hmmm, perhaps worth a try. I have tried those frozen silver fish sold in LFS (used to be food for my pearl aro), but to no avail. Do keep us posted if you successfully wean anglers into frozen food.
  8. Bro Angry U got MC from the sting? Did the lion prick you on the finger or the arm? I wonder which part is more prone to being stung...
  9. Is this a customised tank? 4 footers usually come with at least 1.5' width. Even that, we need to take into consideration the LR scaping. Generally 4 ft is good enough for lions.
  10. Nice nice. I suppose you have an almost "Just Anglers" tank for them. The only other occupants are the 2 percs rite? Do your anglers hide away from view frequently? I got this problem of finding my black angler, which always hide behind the LRs.
  11. If you get a FMC, you may end up having to target feed it, just like the angler. Dun forget about me if you eventually decide to let go again.
  12. I find it quite a hassle to feed live, esp the frequency to buy them. Ghost shrimps are pretty short-lived. So it would be good if the pets are not so choosy over food. Do you need to target feed your FMC?
  13. How long has the FMC been with you? No luck in weaning it to frozen/ prepared food? IMO, the Fu Mun Chu is one of the well-coloured lion. I esp like its dark red coloration. Only problem is that its not very active, and its very hard to train to frozen food.
  14. Lions means any lions? Or should we support Angry's post for P Lion? I second Angry's vote.
  15. Another link. Introduction to Coralline Algae
  16. Thinking of culturing Coralline Algae? Here's a page which we all may be interested in. Click Here If you find something interesting about coralline, please feel free to continue the list.
  17. Wah, Brudder U thinking of getting a FMC? I din had the luck with it leh. Very hard to wean. Anyway, pl update if you managed to get a successful one. Good luck.
  18. No, been searching high and low. Must leave it to fate liao.
  19. If your tank is still cycling, there's no need to switch on the lights.
  20. Actually now I considering a radiata. My only concern is bioload.
  21. I never had a russell. Mine was a volitan, also from R*B***. I also have a dwarf from there.
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