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Everything posted by julescity

  1. to each his own. what kind of fishes and where do i get such foods for predatory fishes like frog fish and lion fish?
  2. yeah. that's my consolation, minus all the work (and $$$) , still get to enjoy hobby. aiming frog fish first! hahah, wouldn't it be cool if it eats my chromis or damsel first hyuk hyuk
  3. tks bros! getting sian with reef, and getting broke! can't keep up with maintenance of chemicals and heart pain to see all my corals die! so gonna switch to fowlr for easier upkeep. can't sell off my corals too as they are in various state of atrophy. thinking of adding some predatory fishes like frogfish and lionfish...
  4. any advice? or its the simplest thing in the world?
  5. sold to a nice gentlemen with a 8ft tank in the office
  6. yez, i knw the rarity scale, that's why when I saw it at Sea Life, I grabbed it without hesitation. It didn't look that big in the small tank in sea life I had rescaped part of my tank to accomodate his big ###### liao... but don't want to keep seeing him make 3-point turn
  7. This is not a chromis or a blue tang, so I'd appreciate reasonable offers lotsa PMs but no offers. Let me help, I got him for $300 - eating letteuce now. no stress or ick. I'll contact the bidder with the right price. so please, PM your offers and leave your contact.
  8. I backside itchy. Got this monster size, about 7-8", of a Achilles Tang from Sea Life last fri. Think its too big for my 4 footer. check out my youtube PM your offers. Only for tanks 6ft>
  9. check out Philip's handiwork on my tank http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=62867 $$$ well spent and Philip is up there with his pre and post sale service standards!
  10. anyone wanna let go of their red dragon 10m3 pump?
  11. izzit the same behaviour with SUper suns? have heard that super suns need to be placed near lights, with strong flow
  12. i'll take your flame hawk @$40. let me knw where/when to collect julian 96789183
  13. what lps you have? dun mind taking it off ya hands, i live nearby at toa payoh lor 8...
  14. you can go to bioplast @ boon keng to enquire. the uncle there still has a brand new set for sale. but for 2K!!!!!!!!!!
  15. SOLD to a nice gentleman. with a nicer MR2 car
  16. the 2nd pic is the front view liao mah... noise level, its quieter than a 1/4 HP artica which I used to have. and with the control unit, you can set your desired activation temp, and differentials.
  17. 1/3 HP - unique chiller design - got from BIoplast. Its a standalone chiller (like artica or dailea type) but it comes with a dedicated drop in coil (like starmex compressor chillers) - so you get the best of both worlds! - comes with controller unit to set temp differentials - no need for return pump - equally power consumption friendly as starmex type (my bill averages $170 and I run 2 aircon units at nite for 8 hours; chiller is on for 4-5hrs) - just paid $150 to service it (gas top up + cleaning) Why am I selling this? - I think its underpowered for my 4x2.5x2.5 running 4T5s - My corals are also dying (not due to under chilling but overdosing of chemicals) - so I'm actually thinking of switching to Fish Only - asking for $500 sms.call me at 96789183 (julian)
  18. tks! caught the foxface, he's in my sump now and the clams are happier than ever!
  19. bros - i got 3 squas, of late, have been tormented by my foxface (are they notorious in this respect?) - while I attempt to trap/fish/net the bugger out, i damn keksim to see them all closed up. izzit ok to put them in my sump tank for the time being - being that its quite shallow, 1.5-2ft deep and runs on PL lighting? strange thing is, the foxface doesn't seem to disturb the other 2 maximas...
  20. i got this 7-8" squamosa - $60. pm me if u r int
  21. i'm curious - cuz i wanna be a lazy reefer too - how do u get coraline algae growth when u don't dose or use CR? mine is growing in pitifully small 20cent - 50 cent spots on my rocks...and that's cuz I do some irregular dosing of tropic marin buffer/purple up
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