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Everything posted by Thexder

  1. If you have skimmer, your skimmer will be removing most of the gunk
  2. Item collected and thread closed
  3. This is my algae scrubber setup now. I've replaced the light with a 34W energy saving bulb. I believe the colour temp is 2700K range, should be suitable for algae. The chopping board has also been replaced with this vinyl/rubber? kitchen sheet. I'm getting brown algae growth and I have not got time to clean off the algae yet. What you see is since the start of the scrubber. BTW, I'm also dosing AZNO3 to reduce nitrates. Which may be causing less algae to grow.
  4. Thexder

    FOC crab

    Sorry, after so long nobody wanted it. I let go into my sump already. Its hiding amongst the LR now.
  5. I have an old set of HID bulbs (2pcs) and 1 HID ballast to give away (approx 2 yrs old). These are from my car. If you want to DIY your own MH light for a small nano tank, this may be useful. Bulbs are 6000K. And you need to source your own 12V power supply and reflector. The wattage is 35W. PM me if interested.
  6. My algae is growing but, its the brown kind of flim algae.
  7. I have seaweed mixed in my frozen food. But if give them raw seaweed, they won't really eat it.
  8. My blue tang (and other tangs) is a carnivore... doesn't like seaweed. Only likes meaty foods
  9. Tank A for FOWLR. Tank B for reef or species only
  10. I used a scissors to rough up the surface. Can see lines all over. Just changed my light to 34W energy saving bulb. Waiting for the algae to start up, still quite slow.
  11. Most probably will try DIY. I'm thinking of fitting the LED into my Solite Type 3.
  12. Thinking of going LED instead
  13. I'm using the Solite ballast for the Solite Type 3. But I bought my Solite from another reefer like 1 yr ago. So I guess I probably have to change ballast if it blows again since I doubt there is warranty anymore.
  14. Ya, guess so. But lazy to make a trip all the way down to buy from SLT
  15. Well, turns out its the fuse to the HQI ballast blow. Don't know why it happens. Anyway, had to order fuses from RS because its a 3A rated fuse, damn hard to find at local hardware shops.
  16. May still leak, but worth a try. I presume the leak is underwater? Rock bonder will solidify and become hard and brittle. It may not be able to expand/contract like silicone.
  17. Wow! You bought the teflon block or had to make it?
  18. Great! Can show how you DIY the stirring bar?
  19. Actually where is the fish section in Chatucak? Last time I went there only dogs and cats left. The birds and exotic animals like no more also.
  20. Photo is not very clear... Looks like Clown Tang.
  21. Upz. Help me clear my LR
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