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Everything posted by arg

  1. Mantas are filter feeders: they feed on plankton, fish larvae and the like, passively filtered from the water passing through their gills as they swim.
  2. The Manta ray (Manta birostris) in the Pacific Ocean tank
  3. Resting shark at the Pacific Ocean tank...
  4. Another pic of the Spotted Ratfish (Hydrolagus colliei) in the "Japan Deeps" tank...
  5. Another pic of the the Japan Deeps tank
  6. A pic of a couple of Japanese spider crab (Macrocheira kaempferi) in the Japan Deeps tank
  7. Another pic of the Japan Deeps tank
  8. In Japan, where the largehead hairtail is known as tachiuo, they are fished for food and eaten grilled or raw, as sashimi.
  9. Largehead hairtails can grow to over 2 m in length; the largest recorded weight is 5 kg and the oldest recorded age is 15 years. They live in shallow coastal waters, rising to eat planktonic crustaceans during the day and returning to the sea bed at night.
  10. Largehead Hairtail (Trichiurus japonicus) in the Japan Deeps tank...
  11. The spotted ratfish, Hydrolagus colliei, is a chimaera found in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans. This unique shark relative gets its characteristic name from a pointed rat-like tail. The ratfish lays leathery egg cases on the bottom of sandy/mud areas which are often mistaken by divers as something inanimate. This unusual fish has smooth skin and large green eyes with a rabbit-like face. Ranging in depth from 40 - 3000 feet, these fish survive on a diet of shrimp, worms, small crustaceans, clams and small fish, which they grind and eat with a plate-like mouth very similar to that of a skate. They also have a venomous spine located on the front of their dorsal fin. It is also considered to be the missing link between the cartilaginous and bony fish, since the ratfish contains both.
  12. Spotted Ratfish (Hydrolagus colliei) in the "Japan Deeps" tank...
  13. The Japanese spider crab (Macrocheira kaempferi), is the largest living arthropod; fully grown it can reach a leg span of almost 4 m (13 ft), a body size of up to 37 cm (15 inches) and a weight of up to 20 kg (44 lb).
  14. Another pic of the "Japan Deeps" tank...
  15. Another view of the "Japan Deeps" tank...
  16. The next display tank was entitled "Japan Deeps"
  17. One more pic of the Gulf of Panama tank...
  18. Giant Grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus)
  19. Thanks AT for the id .......its a Tasselled Wobbegong Shark (Eucrossorhinus dasypogon)
  20. I think this is a Zebra bullhead shark (Heterodontus zebra) in the Pacific Ocean tank
  21. A closer look at the Shark with whiskers...
  22. What an unusual looking shark....
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