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About tengah26

  • Birthday 05/10/1981

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  1. can anyone help to idenfity????
  2. bro i think tis a fair deal it will make everyone happy. Cheers
  3. coz he first,second and third time being caught by reefers who have unpleasant memories with him. lets us guess wat is the fourth/fifth nick he will use.(chris21/wuki/Kikotecho)=old nick lets me guess first the nick will have a "i" within the name..
  4. Skinbone finally u understand my situation and how i will feel. By looking at old thread there is a number of reefers have bad history wif him in 2009. thanks for ur support.
  5. haha, sometimes is hard to catch one coz he have too many nickss.... normally ppl make 1 or 2 doors only but my ex tank special is 3 doors.
  6. the the mobile still remains the same..hahahaha... when i scroll thro the thread to vote his number online.. the number still the same...hahahaha
  7. Many Reefers have bad experience with him previously. look onto the this thread and u will know more about him. end of the day, many seniors have problem with him ..
  8. For more info http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=77051&st=0&p=799692&hl=tengah26&fromsearch=1&#entry799692
  9. Heh SolOoo.. LoOOng time man.. Yeah. we r back..hahaaha.... y nv call out to us at CF man.. keke..
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