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Everything posted by issardj

  1. Hello Bro. Can you PM me the SH prices too? Where's LCK110 by the way? Thanks.
  2. Lost & finally FOUND! Bumble Bee Shrimp [always in the hiding]... a real cutey
  3. My Yellow Garden Eel...... on the floor...... [committed suicide]
  4. Hi Bro. I find that using a chiller would be better to stabilize your nano tank's temperature & more convenient, but the only thing is the higher cost.
  5. Hi Bro Blue Tang 69, I bought it at the shop next to pacific reef @ pasir ris (dunno the exact shop's name ).
  6. Hi Anemone Fans! Can you help ID this anemone of mine?
  7. He he.. I think that's the last one she got in her tank that day. The rest are the yellow or purple type. Might worth checking with her, though...
  8. Smooth bright pink bottom - no root. The aunty that sold me this anemone said that it's a sand anemone type.
  9. Yes it is. Bought it at the shop just next to the Pacific Reef @ pasir ris (dunno what the shop's name). Luv this anemone so much... Anyone can help me ID this Anemone? Description: Bright Pink base, short light pinkish tentacles with green tips
  10. My Tomato Nemo caught in the act lazing around on the Anemone
  11. My Yellow Goby posing with the palm trees in Hawaii
  12. Thanks Bro. Yeah.. Now I slow down liao & have been checking & changing H2O regularly . I guess that's what other newbies are doing also when they first got their tank set up... he he he...
  13. Majority of my corals are from the Golden Octopus followed by I-Aquarium, Harlequin, Reborn & Ah-Beng shops
  14. A quick update on my mini tank with more fishes & corals this time
  15. Very nice set up & well-packed with beautiful corals.
  16. My red starfish has just gone to its final resting place today... sob...sob...
  17. This strange stuff is found on top of the starfish, leh...
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