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Everything posted by huskypower75

  1. thank you for the ID Bro trying very hard to find a name for it
  2. My newly bought bleached brain Hope to make it colour up
  3. My favourite torn and tattered blasto and I hope I can nurse them back to their past glory
  4. My long lost baby, bout her and then when I release her into the tank, MIA and after 2 weeks a little pops up Yasin Goby
  5. I would like to buy the FR , but I can only collect it after my business trip. is it possible? timothy 97666444
  6. whao thank you so many bros for asking and offering to advise I am keeping fishes and LPS and a clam I hve about 4 fishes 2 brain, 2 cyrina, 1 prata , 1 elegant, 1 orange sponge, 1 cauliflower, 1 youma, some mushroom, 2 gonio, 1 blue sea fan and 1 purple sea fan i used to change water every 2 weeks and now since the NO3 is about 0.5ppm and PO4 and NO2 and ammonia is undetecsble, I will try not to change water, I am dosing caribsea purple up, reemf buffer daily and AZ-NO3 daily, and trace, strontium, magnesium, iodine every 2-3 days. Please advise thank you enjoy
  7. i mix reef bugs, cyclopiz, and aquapham 5 in 1 coral food. and use a sringe to spray on the cyrina and my little baby will gulf the food. Once a week with silver fish, i piece and the 3 mouth will share the fish after that it will spit out the bone, very clever enjoy
  8. Hi Bro Please advise, I tried to rise the PH over tha past 1 month using aquapham part a and b and now caribsea reef buffer to increase the pH but never able to get it pass the 8.0 mark. Please advise thank you
  9. I am running a JBJ 24G Water perimeter as below Ammonia Undetectable NO2 Undetecable NO3 0.5ppm Calcium 380 Alk 4and above PH 7.4 I have used Az-NO3 for 2weeks and my NO3 dropped from over 50ppm to not 25-12-2007 2am 0.5ppm. Amazing! I believe this is a good product and I hope it will not cause any streess to my corals. I read from other forum that this product is good but expensive, I bought 25 from petmart and not 2weeks running I have about half bottle and ie to say 25buck permonth. I believefor bigger tank it is more economical to run denitrator.... But well this product works for me.... any kind soul to share and comment? Thank you enjoy
  10. you can try Caribsea Phos Ban Quite good, and I find Sorb 4 very good too. my PO4 is undetectable using API test kit
  11. Hi Bro I tried Using AZ-NO3 without skimmer, the reduction of NO3 is very slow, but the white filter floss is always covered with a thick layer of deep green dirt, and I believe this deep green dirt is surpose to be removed by skimmer. Without skimmer, the No3 is reduced at a rate of 5ppm per 3days, but after skimmer is introduced, NO3 is reduced at a rate of 20ppm per day. Just tested No3 in the morning 25ppm, after dosing Az-NO3 this evening and running my mini resun DIY skimmer, just tested NO3 again at 2am, 0.5ppm. Amazing! my 2cent observation enjoy
  12. Hi Bros My experience, I am running a JBJ 24G, nitrate was well above 50ppm 2weeks ago, I explored my idea of nitrate reduction, Tried AZ-NO3 2 weeks ago and followed the instructions and now I have used up more than half bottle and to my surprise nitrate today is 5ppm, but I ran a skimmer 4 days ago and a Seachem denitrate with TLF Phosban reactor with about 100LPH flow. I believe the reactor is still in the run in phase and skimmer will not remove nitrate at such a rate, so I believe AZ-NO3 is very good. My corals show no sign of stress and all is good. I bough from petmart for about $25 and 1 $25 bottle can last me for a month. I will reduce the dose once nitrate is zero and monitor the reduction and the NO3 increase. enjoy
  13. I believe in holistic lifestyle, The fish food now adays will boost immunity and I believe if the fish is feeding well and resting well, its own body will have the immunity and will recover on its own and doctors fish will help to eat up the whitespot on the surface of the fish body. my 2 cent worth.
  14. No worries bro, Those might be traped Oxygen and Nitrogen. Your sand shifter will release those bubbles, and the bubbles will find their way out into the ope in time. enjoy
  15. That white spot is white spot My yellow tang had white spot when I intro to my tank , luckily it is feeding on pellet everyday and as the fish get stronger eachday the white spot just disappear and maybe eaten by the doctor
  16. oooops sorry aunty told me candy..... thanks for the correction
  17. no bro I dont use chiller, I hate the little black box beside it, I am looking into the possibility of using a internal heat exchanger , but will need to wait for my business trip from pacific next month. enjoy
  18. I bought it from the shop infront of ah beng and no mod needed on the cube
  19. Hi bro I need to remove the adaptor to reduce the length, once the adaptor is removed from the out put of the pump you can fit exactly in the 2nd compartment. I used super glue to joint up some parts to prevent it from falling a part. The remove the out put with the black sponge from the output of the skimmer, if you do not do that you can never fit in. To prevent micro bubble, i line the out let flow from the 2nd to the 3rd compartment with white floss. Do not cover the output from the skimmer with white floss. you will need a wide open output from the skimmer cos the flow of the pump is too high. and then let is run in for 30mins and now I am skimming foam the colour of tea O... enjoy h
  20. Hi bro I have fitted the resun Sk-05 in to my JBJ 24G I use the black sponge in the 1st compartment with white floss ontop, in the 2nd compartment isthe skimmer only.(and this little skimmer is skimming like no tomorrow, will post a pic for you. and the skimmate is quite good. in the 3rd compartment is the Sorb and Pur and Ceramic ring and bio ball. just manage to get all in and running for 3 days and looks good so far. enjoy thanks for the inspiration
  21. Hi bro I share the same idea that chiler is a eye score especially why I choose JBJ is the slick look. But you can try to get the Internal Chiller from nanotuners. It is build into the hood no external Chiller, I iwll venture into this idea when I return from my trip to the pacific. enjoy
  22. Can get it from Marine Depot .com
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