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Everything posted by huskypower75

  1. Dear All I am pleased to inform all PSP lover that I have MS PRO DUO 8GB - SGD78.00 if this is too big I have MS Pro DUO 4GB - SGD35.00 price inclusive of delivery. Other items available 1) SDHC 1GB 2) SDHC 2GB 3) SDHC 4GB 4) SDHC 16GB 5) XD 2GB With brands like Kingston and OEM Order more than 5pieces are subject to 3% discount Order more than 10pieces are subject to 5% discount Hope to hear fromyou people soon Please email tanyengee@gmail.com for enquiries or call 97666444 Thank you timothy Sorry forget to add Picture of MS Pro Duo 8GB
  2. Dear All Would like to sell one of my JBJ 24G nano, bout last year october and with modified moon light to R2 Duo, will thrown in a transformer for the moonlight, will sell the S-Stand for SGD200 Cash and carry at Kovan MRT PLease contact me Timothy 91153307
  3. Free live sand when you purchase the rock for 60 Urgently need to get rid for it
  4. dear all i have about 15kg of live rock for sale and if buyer interested i will give the 10kg grade 1 live sand to you free. Rocks 70 percent sovered with coralline algae and will sell for 60. Please collect by wednesday at kovan。 Please sms or call me to fix collection time. Thank you. From timothy
  5. I believe in a lot of good second hand or multiple hand goods here. Just that the seller is a honest, responsible and reliable seller. I sold a almost brand new WII to a fellow reefer here and no complain from him. I believe is depends on the sellers background and education and 家教 We are a man and man is one who hornours his words
  7. Ya man Need tyo open my eyes big big this little antzz is about early 20's came with his friend
  8. sure i would love to if the vehicle is porsche or ferrari
  9. hmmm...calling all lawyer bros here, please help on this case, I will volunteer to wash your tanks for you
  10. hey bro in sinagpore , bad service retailer we can report to case or even ISO , here I dunno leh , maybe to you bros....thank you for your support
  11. Dear All thank you for your support. I believe the seller Little Antzz is reading. Just my own 2 cent worth I buy things without doing much research, I have some thing in mind, I want it and the price is good I will get it. Just so simple, not all people will go in full depth research before committing, as little antzz bro put it, I should know that CL450 makes and create lots of noise, dont believe check forum, Its not that I dont believe, but I really have no idea that as per what he say is true makes noise, in my mind I have a CL280 it works only with a purr. I didnt expect the chiller to roar. I will always tell my client what they are in for and when they wanna buy anything from me. As like some of the bros her put it, when my thingss are sold, any problem come back to me because I am confident I am selling a good product, even to the extend A refund, why? Because I knoe that will be people who will appreciate my products/. Thank you everyone for your care and support, please let my 2cent worth be your lesson in this forum and in life. Share one experience when I was on my business trip in the pacific. I always go to this money changer to change local currencies, the previous owner of the money changer have been murdered and this new boss take over for 1 year, 2 times engaging money changing service no problem untill the last time, when I place 500usd worth of local currencies to change and because of trust I bend down and contiinue to extract more cash out of my bag to change and when I was busy counting the 500 USD worth of local currencies was goone and then he told me he gave me an excellent rates, after changing I discover hey he is a good man gave me a good rate. After I returned to hotel and I counted, 500 less, when back to him he said he will check if his clerk has took it. Six month later I returned he said he is still checking. A lesson learnt and hard one enjoy
  12. Thank you moderator and the boss to say something appreciate all bros who care and concern and contributed
  13. Hi Wil I have his mobile, and even car number, but by posting them her I feel like 打耳垄 Thank you for your comment, this really help to heal the wounds.
  14. Dear All this is the tank I wanna let go by this week as I will be leaving for beijing next week Please arrange transport to collect from Kovan Stock JBJ 24g S Stand Koralia 1 Resun Skimmer R2 Moon light 10LED Sand 15KG Live Rock 15KG LTF FR with Seachem denitrate Purple Up Prodibio Additive Aquabee 300 COmplete set - thats is plug and play at your place Live Stock Corals above YT Yasin Goby Orange Diamond Goby Yellow Watchman Goby Maroon Clown Bi Colour Goby Additional CL450 bought from Little Antzzz and not used yet, I think need to be sent for servicing, if buyer wants the complete set, please take the CHiller FOC Thank you for the price of $550 SMS or call me timothy 91153307
  15. Thank you bros fro your condolenses I have gotten over it after a good night sleep I was thinking, when I sold my WII to a gentleman from this forum, I told him it is pristine condition and he can call me if any problem arises, no call from him and I believe he is totally happy with the purchase and we deal in a taxi stand with no testing. I am in business and when we do business 信用 is extremely important, I takes ages and even to the extend long long time to establish good reputation, but it take a slit second to shatter it and necver comes back. But there are people who do not apprciate the hard work needed to build up the reputation Sorry for the gumpy me, but just a thought. My grand father always tell my father to look aftyer reputation and my father always tel me to watch over reputation. I believe in reputation and I think even for Singapore a little red dot. alot we have today is built up from reputation Thank you all for your tolerence over my grumpiness enjoy
  16. Hi Bro is the CL650 noisy or quite like the CL280?
  17. A "GENTLEMAN" indeed, bought thr chiller from this Mr Little Antzzz Delivered to my place for 130 bucks, hand him the money and brought the chiller home with pride and excitment, my coral do not need to sleep in sauna any more After connecting and plugged in VoaLA! Suddenly a trank drove into my room and the noise from the CHILLER was deafening, and sudddenly all went black , my house electric circuit tripped 4-5 times untill I removed the plug of the chiller from my main. So sad, Mr Little Antzz told me to call him if the chiller is not working, and I forgot to add in, the LED Temp display is not displaying anything, I call the previous owner and not one pick up the phone and I sms him and told him his chiller not working, he replied. I called him again and he picked up the phone, I told him the chiller problem above and her gentlemanly graciously said he will return the money and take back his good stuff, and then when I was about to arrange for the return and refund, 180 degree change and he accused me of my error and slmmed the phone. What a gentleman, beware when you buy things on this forum, never use the word 信用 , I told him my mistake was to believe him and never check the things on the spot befor giving him the money. Young man but never hornor his words, so bros here who wants to buy anything please check before you give your hard earn money to the seller. so sad, sitting infront of the CL450 typing this letter. I thought the CL450 is like my CL280, wo quite and subtle, never thought its a monster. And our gentleman said I should know, but when I asked him he said no problems. so as my wife said treat it as a meal we had together, but I told her, how can i sink my teeth in the CL450?
  18. A "GENTLEMAN" indeed, bought thr chiller from this Mr Little Antzzz Delivered to my place for 130 bucks, hand him the money and brought the chiller home with pride and excitment, my coral do not need to sleep in sauna any more After connecting and plugged in VoaLA! Suddenly a trank drove into my room and the noise from the CHILLER was deafening, and sudddenly all went black , my house electric circuit tripped 4-5 times untill I removed the plug of the chiller from my main. So sad, Mr Little Antzz told me to call him if the chiller is not working, and I forgot to add in, the LED Temp display is not displaying anything, I call the previous owner and not one pick up the phone and I sms him and told him his chiller not working, he replied. I called him again and he picked up the phone, I told him the chiller problem above and her gentlemanly graciously said he will return the money and take back his good stuff, and then when I was about to arrange for the return and refund, 180 degree change and he accused me of my error and slmmed the phone. What a gentleman, beware when you buy things on this forum, never use the word 信用 , I told him my mistake was to believe him and never check the things on the spot befor giving him the money. Young man but never hornor his words, so bros here who wants to buy anything please check before you give your hard earn money to the seller. so sad, sitting infront of the CL450 typing this letter. I thought the CL450 is like my CL280, wo quite and subtle, never thought its a monster. And our gentleman said I should know, but when I asked him he said no problems. My mistake, good night bros and sisters
  19. Hi bro I am intersted in your chiller, but why you wanna sell? Does it comes with any pump? timothy 91153307
  20. Yes Bro I have this yellow watchman goby and indeed it is not doing any work My Orang diamond goby looks like this
  21. Thanks bro for the contact. Contacted Sam the boss and discovered their warehouse is in the same block as my office and immediately sms and boufght the prodibio Bio Kir last night. He delivered the product today and the listed Price is $71 on the web but when delivered he game a 20% discount and promotion ends April. Will plan to buy more from him when I returned in April Nice boss and hope to see more good products surface in singapore enjoy bros
  22. Tha machine can be mod, go to uTorrent and type in WII and there will be some free software to download and do modification. Warrenty Starts last year October Timothy 91153307
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