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Everything posted by wilson_ang87

  1. Can you pm me the pics of your Green/white prata and Red/White brain.? Very keen. Thanks 96924881
  2. It left my Archilles Tang, Blue Tank, Powder Blue, Powder Black and Powder Brown dead. I threw the dead fishes away coz they really stink. Now only left Purple tang. The eyes slightly cloudy. What could be the reason? Could it be Cyclopeeze overdose..?? Coz my clown fish and goby fish also ended up with the same fate.
  3. Hi all bros, i am having some problems with my tank. My tank have abt 30types of corals and a collection of tangs. But recently, my tangs seem to have a cloudy substance on their body and their eyes becoming cloudy. One died after another. I need help.
  4. Interested in your Red Lobo. can deal immediately. Call/sms me at 96924881. Thanks
  5. Thanks marinelife for reserving Green bubbles and the Blastos. Collect from you tonight. Thanks
  6. Green Bubbles i take. $50. Thanks. sms me a confirmation at 96924881. Thanks
  7. I want bubbles. Offer $50. SMS/CALL me at 96924881. Thanks
  8. i reserve Cateye. Call me direct at 96924881. Thanks
  9. Do you have other corals for sale too..??
  10. sms me your tank specs. Quite interested to set up my second marine tank. 96924881.
  11. pm me the corals still available and the price you selling. Can sms me direct 96924881. Can take all from you if price is right.
  12. You selling your items seperately?? Like your corals..??
  13. Your item 1 and 3 how thick is the glass..??
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