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Everything posted by reeftask

  1. i have not been changing my water for more than 2 years now. corals still growing and fishes still mischievous
  2. it act like an ionizer. useless. dont waste the money.
  3. none of the farm has peppermint shrimp. went there today. the farm on the left always says the fishes are export only, not for sale. Only the cheap damsels,... are for sale. you are too late. ericsion farm's dogs had ate the fishes.
  4. 26-28C Because my ricordia asked me to. And I noticed they grow faster at this temperature.
  5. Well, my tank is on metal stand and after 6 years still ok. Furthermore my stand is custom made so high with a high sump too. The trick is to get a bigger metal and coat it with lots of layer of prevention coatings. Woods are not that hardy because when wood are long term in water, it will rot. Frankly speaking, any good stand will last loner than your tank. Your tank's silicone will leak after many years and your stand is still holding on. The most worried is the silicone on the tank. Even the best silicone wont last as long as a good stand. When the silicone leaks, what should we do then?
  6. damsels cant kill your tang although the tang is still small. If those damsels can really kill your tnag, I think they are breed of damsel and shark. Tangs are not hardy. They are between medium to hard. Damsels, clowns, worms, you and me are easy to raise type. Tangs are easily die from diseases and water condition. So be prepared when you start to have tangs. The small tangs are hardest to raise but when they have grown, it is not so hard anymore
  7. I think some picky fishes/shrimps will survive through with pods too. I am wondering now if we should use pods as food in quarantine tank. During new quarantine fish, they are always hiding and refuse to eat. Waste us lots of time trying to feed them.
  8. with a budget of 4k, you can have a 4ft tank with all of the equipments needed. The main thing is you must handle it yourself. Survey around before rushes around. advise you to have 4ft and above tank with bottom sump at least 3ft, best 4 ft too. If you are thinking a wooden cabinet, it will cost you alot but if you are thinking of a metal stand, it will save alot for other equipments. Moreover stand are easy maintenance in case anything happens. where do you stay?
  9. http://www.aquaworldaquarium.com/treating_...%20Diseases.htm http://www.fishjunkies.com/Diseases/popeye.php
  10. Usually peppermint shrimp are not hardy. Coral banded shrimp will kill them too. They are the enemies of most shrimps. It happened to most reefers that these shrimps when introduced to your tank will dissappear and didnt eat the aipstasia. Most reefers dont see them anymore when they dissappear. Hope they still alive. I have a coral banded shrimp which is damn shy. Sometimes I dont see it for half to one year and suddenly it came out before dissapearing again. It never comes out even feeding time. Peppermint shrimp will not eat an aipstasia which had grown quite big
  11. just throw in 2-3 cleaner shrimps to help. If all fishes had immigrated to heaven, just leave it cycle for 3 months. 2 months is still abit dangerous as yours are with LR system. If bare tank, 2 months is more than enough.
  12. Well, I personally dont worry about the population being too much. I remembered about more than 6 years ago when I first setup my 5ft tank with the LR are cleared with nothing which means no worm, no pods, no algaes, no pods, no mantis shrimp, no tubeworms, nothing.... After the cycling period about 2-3 months, I started to see some pods grew on the glass. After half year they become very fast populated and they grew like nobody business. The whole tank can see lots of them. After 9 months of cycling, I had introduced a cleaner shrimp and I never need to feed it and still this shrimp always full. The pods popultions seems going down or hiding because of this shrimp. Two months later I added some fish and the pods population started to go down very fast even I feed them 2-3 times a day. Nowadays, I hardly see them except when I did something on the LR. From my experience, you can get rid of worms,... but not pods. Seems that they will grow back from the eggs sticked on the LR. We need not worry on them as they are a part of the good things for our tank. I have noticed that my scooter blenny and mandarin dont even care of my feeding food and still look so fat. I see them always looking for food on the LR and picking up things I cant see. Maybe baby pods? At least I know they are still making a feast and not depending on my feedings.
  13. so you have the picture for us to view now?
  14. Did you measure the copper level in the tank? Copper is easily corroded so it is very bad for marine if it is corroded internally. Or this copper pipe has nothing to do with the saltwater flowing internally?
  15. I think your tank is still very new and insecure. Try cycle your tank for 2 months more. Dont be desperate. After cycling period, try adding one/two cleaner shrimp for a month to clean off those parasites,... Feed only when you see this shrimp belly is empty for 2 days. Their belly are behind the head. After that add slowly one fish/month or better two months. Beware if during cycling, you see diatoms or red algae, that means your LR are bad and need to cycle for 6-12 months until they are gone and water is changed. For a new setup it is a big commitment but you will enjoy after 3-4 yrs old tank.
  16. well some are too demanding. Most humans didnt know how to care others feelings. Well, I am very afraid when one day I want to dispose this hobby, I will have nightmare too. Asking people to help disposing the 5 feet tank is hard, too heavy. Thats why I cannot upgrade my house because of this hobby.
  17. well, all sites said its peaceful but I doubt so. I had one at 5 yrs ago and it was 1.5 inch only but it chases all other gobies included a bigger size opponent too. I gave up on it. 6 moths later I got another at 1 inch and still the same. I will never keep them anymore. Well, I think this one can keep in a very big aquarium who has big fishes.
  18. Homer, thx. view at Jurong but I will be back only on Thursday nite. PM me ur hp number and I will get back to you as soon as I get back. The orange one is reserved. Believe me, the green ones are big bubbled and some reefers pm me that they are nice but only they need to discount the price. Well, I am not urgently selling them, just the mood. For your infos, I dont take care much of my tank. The water had been 3 years and sometimes I just pour lots of calcium, strontium, ....... into the tank. And these corals are so hardy and still grown well. I am thinking to sell off another orange ric but it is still on my big rock with the others same species. I have no time to break that rock now. Maybe weeks or months later. Cant talk much now, have to sleep and get up at 5am to catch the flight.
  19. well, there is no $20 rics except something wrong ones. $30 for only size smaller than 20cent coin and only one dull colour. I bought them years ago from marine life. Its absolute florida rics. Yuma are so much different. You can judge from the pic and see the bubbles. Yuma dont have such big and close bubbles. this hard core ric is tank cultivated. You can have different water parameters and they are still ok. the rics from shop are very fragile. Both the last two pics are the same species of rics and only size different. Both of these rics are cultivated since 5 years ago. new nick because I dont simply post for nothing. had joined 9 mths here but in reefing for 6 years
  20. Selling another 2 different colour Rics. This Ric most outer colour is red, second outer is Lime Green, near the mouth is luminous green and the mouth is red and luminous green Pictures taken after MH light on for 5 minutes. The first picture is size slightly bigger than 1.5 times of a 50cent coin. Selling at $70. The second picture is the size slightly bigger than a 50cent coin. Selling at $50
  21. I am getting rid of one fat Florida Ric which is most outer red, 2nd outside bright orange and greenish blue inside. The mouth is luminous orange. size is bit bigger than 50cent selling at $60. bought at $50 which at 60% size at 2 years ago. will be outstation from mon to thursday. interest pls pm me
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