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Everything posted by reeftask

  1. Yeah, I am agree to this too. Lets watch the movie.
  2. errr, rather not. LOL. perhaps there are other things inside. maybe mantis shrimp, LOL
  3. wah lau... you copied the whole from the website, LOL. copyright, lol
  4. small tank will sure all the time you can see these chasings. but big tanks will occur too as sometimes they will roam around.
  5. As you had setup this thread here, you might be interested to sell them off. LOL
  6. they will fight for territory. as long as the other keep out, they will stop chasing. This is just my view. Many yrs ago, read some articles said if size different too much will kill. I dont know how true this is.
  7. beware it will out from from the tank and turned to be a giant rock, eating you, LOL
  8. what beauty? Land Transport Authority not nice to put in my house. My house to small.
  9. you have a false life? what it mean mwts? maybe want to sell or morning want to sell?
  10. 50 then can open school name: Chromis Institution? then you become the principal and van deam become the teacher? storm can be the disciplinary master and piero is the monitor. then i become the treasurer, LOL.
  11. selling at $700 and your own transport 2 years old with most of the time in store
  12. LOL, people are bored to reply mah. These people are too tired already. Your problem because a built-in temperature sensor in your chiller. This is a normal problem for most chillers and reefers. What you should do is to install a temperature sensor outside your chiller. That will really help your chiller to know what is the actual temperature. If you want, I have an extra new sensor. I can teach you how to install. just pm me.
  13. garlic guard absorbed in food only helps to get the fish anti-body stronger. Pouring into the tank is just a waste and wont kill any ich.
  14. Do you have any other temperature measuring device? Try to take the tank temperature. If temperature is cold, then the thermocouple or termostat is down. If water is hot, it must be no gas, or gas leaked out from chiller gas line. Your case mostly not the compressor spoil. Babareef is right, try to stop the chiller is it didnt cool down the water. No point wasting electricity and worse if the gas leaks into the pipe which your saltwater flows in. That means dissolving the gas in your tank. Some cases people dead sleeping in the car due to aircon gas leakage. This gas will make humans dizzy and later go up small lorry.
  15. If the motor noise is hummimg noise, then the compressor is done. At the moment repairing compressor, people just replace it. Replacing the compressor needs to top up gas and compressor oil. So when that cost added up, maybe getting a second hand chiller will be more worth? A new CL650 is quite cheap nowadays. Is it worth to repair the compressor? Keep us update so we will know if its still worth to repair or to buy a new one.
  16. how deep is the one that had faded? and is it 10k,14k or 20k mh?
  17. I think this tank will look nice placing in the room center. nice tank.
  18. You mean the worms only in you sump? Is there anything else in the sump of chaeto?
  19. I dont know about 20k. nobody complains. But after 14k is so problematic and I still like my 10k, so I stick to it.
  20. no la, the 1 year is a joke. nobody will be so patience. 1 year because some pest may be hidden and not eaten. So I just kiasu, kiasi, kialang,..... Six line is better as my view too.
  21. why you want to stay far away? just giving opinion. dont over-sensitive. we both just want to contribute to whats best. I do admit some shops sells less standard pipes. But what if the reefer in Tuas? If he can find a similar other brand with ok standard, better right? Can I come near in the future? LOL.
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