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Everything posted by adrianlau

  1. Gem, you may want to join the Bangaii Cardinal Challenge This fish is now on the CITES list and it is important to breed them for the species' future. You may hold the key to prevent their extinction
  2. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=68994
  3. Hope this helps Bangaii Cardinal Breeding
  4. Welcome to the world of marine. Like you, I was also converted from Fresh water (not just the tank, but myself). 1. Do calm down your excitement. Instead of adding LS on the 4th day, try reading from the lots of info on the net to prepare for success. Or else will have to learn from failure. The usual recommendation is to cycle the tank for 1 month before adding LS. This is to allow for beneficial bacteria to multiply to cope with the waste product of the LS. 2. Is your stand made for fish tanks? While it looks sturdy, I'll be worried if it was made to be a telephone stand. (But myself I'm using a 2nd hand TV stand for my 24X18X12 ) 3. Your sand is quite coarse, detritus will be trapped in it. May I recommend more clean up crew to help clean up uneaten food trapped in there, or regular vacuuming of your sand (since yours is a shallow layer of sand, if it had been a Deep Sand Bed then cannot disturb the sand). Have fun.
  5. Not sure about running the canisters in series or independently, but the red sea prizm black basket is for running chemical filtration like carbon or phosphate removal media. Just need to make sure media is bigger sized than the gaps of the basket, or else need to use a netting to prevent them from coming out of the basket.
  6. Does it comes with Wii Sports? That's the only thing I want to use it for.
  7. OK more details here showing where the air intake is. Says delivery from March 2008.
  8. Anyone seen the Eheim Marine Pump in Singapore yet? Please do notify here, thanks.
  9. Happen to come across this article on Fish Nutrition. Too long for me to read and I'm not promoting any particular brand. But in para 3 of the sub-heading "The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating". it mentioned that in 2002, an in-depth study carried out by veterinarians in Singapore compared different brands of fish food. Does anyone have insider info as to the results of the study?
  10. I offer $45 AND you deliver to my house can? Gone to your place too many times already. Then I bring you to LFS in the West, Henry, Jireh, Halequin, C328... Upz for your beautiful fish.
  11. Anyone seen any hang-on refugium selling in sg? For example like CPR Aquafuge
  12. I'm starting a 1 ft tank to grow a pair of clownfish to maturity (no live rocks). Wondering should I just use an Eheim Liberty hang-on filter or to connect it to an undergravel filter? The undergravel filter will provide more areas for biological filtration, but will increase Nitrate (which actually does not matter so much to the fish). Any input please. Thanks.
  13. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=67549
  14. Check out for low tide: Tide Times Find a place along any beach that has lotsa rocks, eg. at the breakwater, and you'll find lotsa snails.
  15. After the CNY things may be slow. Popped by at Iwarna on 3rd Day (9/2) and saw lots of empty tanks. Anyone who sees paired up Maroon Clown, pls alert me. Thanks.
  16. I don't have much experience. Just theory.... If your male clownfish is left alone (ie. no other clowns), it will turn into a female (not sure how long it takes for this to happen). Hopefully you can find a bigger mate for him before it turns into her. Alternatively, can get a smaller mate and let your original male turn into female.. But this will just confuse you and your family. When adding another clown, they will go through the fighting process again. To minimise injury, this is my theory: Buy a bigger fish than the current male, catch the male fish and put both into separate betta boxes (floating in the main tank) such that they can see each other but cannot touch. Re-arrange the LR so that the tank appear like a new place for the original fish. Release them together after 2 days. And keep your fingers crossed.
  17. I've got a Bicolour Angel and a Coral Beauty in my 4 ft tank with no problem. I think important factor is to have enough LR for them.
  18. Some of my cowrie shells died and I would like to keep the empty shells for display. But they look dull when dry. What can I use to varnish them so that they have a shiny look? Thanks.
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