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Everything posted by adrianlau

  1. I've been asking around and all sold out. Where did you get it from and how much?
  2. My Longnose Hawkfish jumped out last night Thought of compiling a list of livestock that jumps out of the tank: 1. Longnose Hawkfish 2. Octopus
  3. I use it for the following reasons: 1. It is sold in many reliable LFS 2. I do not want to test for too many things 3. Do not want to have too many bottles of stuff to dose The down side could be: 1. At $3-$3.50 a piece, and recommendation of 3-4 blocks per 50 gals, it may be more expensive than buying bottles of supplements So still considering whether to continue using it.
  4. I read that Aragonite will do a better job becos it will dissolve and release calcium(?) when the PH is below 8.2. That's why I'm thinking of adding Aragonite to my crushed corals floor. Anyone can confirm this?
  5. Few months ago I bought some from a street hawker in Chinatown, on the open space below the LFS. Not sure are they there permanently, but if you're going to try, maybe try weekends day time.
  6. May I know what is atapsia? (dry food? where to get? etc)
  7. I've got my Copperband for over 1 week. It would feed off the LR and live brine shrimp. Some websites suggest Freshwater blood worm and tubifex worm, but not on a long term basis. Hopefully the copperband will convert to prepared food eventually.
  8. Just to report my results. 5 day course treatment with Water Life Research Myzaxin (my trusted brand for my Freshwater). 4 ft FOWLR started for 1 month Some help from 2 Cleaner Shrimps Ich gone on my tangs No effect on Copperband Butterfly Remember to remove carbon/charcoal filter. But protein skimmer trapped a lot of blue liquid (wonder if that made the medication less effective) Now I'm hoping the Copperband Butterfly will fight the ich out by feeding it live brine shrimp.
  9. Do let them have plenty of hiding places in your liverocks, then the chase will not be so fierce.
  10. http://www.thereeftank.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29424 Try link again. Sorry
  11. http://www.thereeftank.com/forums/sh...ad.php?t=29424 Found a success story in here. Anyone else can offer tips?
  12. Tks cjh. Now I read that cleaner wrasse will not last long in captivity. Anyone can share secrets of how to keep them?
  13. Thanks for the reasurrance. It is not hiding anymore. BTW, what is its proper name because can't find doctor fish in internet searches.
  14. Any recommendations for a battery operated gravel cleaner?
  15. Just 2 hours after releasing my doctor fish into my FOWLR tank, I had to rescue it from a hole in a live rock, and it got stuck in another hole, but managed to release itself. Now it is missing again. Is it common for doctor fish to do that and is there anyway to prevent it?
  16. I've added Sorb4 into my filter, does that mean that my Turbo Snail becomes optional? Alternative way of asking the same question is - will my Turbo Snail become hungry since Sorb4 will prevent algae from growing? Tks
  17. Thanks for the LR bro. sms me when you're going LFS, we take turns to drive.
  18. Can these mushrooms be kept without chiller?
  19. Anyone tried Sera's Phosvec Granulat (for phosphate removal)
  20. I was also thinking of adding red coloured plants/algae, but found out from a friend and a LFS owner that they will not last (will eventually die off), will not reproduce unless lights on 24 hrs, and they are mostly used for feeding fish.
  21. Not clear from your pics, are your LR very red?
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