dunno wat kinda zoos. anyone can ID? when closed up, they have these vertical lines over them. the zoos are green in the centre, and have a slight orange ring outside.
tank equipment:
55W PL (B/W)
15W artinic x2
hang-on filter with phosguard + carbon
surface skimmer attached
weipro 2011 skimmer with old old dolphin pump.
one small eheim pump hidden in the rocks. unaccessible. will just unplug it if ever spoil.
4 inch sandbed of grade 0 and 1
lots of LR. mostly from sealife where i dig very long to get the better stuff. i even wear their gloves.
spotted Hawkfish (aggressive. do not get unless u intend to keep hardy fish if your tank's small)
Blue-devil damsel
2 electric-blue hermits from Eaquarist
1 pistol hitch-hiker in there somewhere
lots of zoos and mushies. other stuff dun do very well. too much nutrients. aka dirty tank.
yeah man. that IS a heater. office temp is about 22C. damn cold when aircon is on. set it to 25C on heater. =p
hmm.. monkey shrimp... perhaps u can do a chk on the internet on it?
added a blue devil damsel and a tubeworm. looking good.
no new corals tho. hard to find really small rocks.