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Everything posted by Anemone

  1. tiny ghost shrimps? cant really see.
  2. 1. scream like a girl. 2. take a nice pic of it. 3. put down camera. 4. scream like a girl *repeat*
  3. i seem to have a lot of marcoalgae growth. some nuisance ones too.
  4. yeah man, those hours digging ard for gd LRs at sealife helped. =p
  5. marcoalgae. ID? started growing on my LR from nothing. maybe tiny tiny frags on LR.
  6. dunno wat kinda zoos. anyone can ID? when closed up, they have these vertical lines over them. the zoos are green in the centre, and have a slight orange ring outside.
  7. yellow polyps. actually growing n sprouting more polyps.
  8. tank equipment: 55W PL (B/W) 15W artinic x2 hang-on filter with phosguard + carbon surface skimmer attached weipro 2011 skimmer with old old dolphin pump. one small eheim pump hidden in the rocks. unaccessible. will just unplug it if ever spoil. 4 inch sandbed of grade 0 and 1 lots of LR. mostly from sealife where i dig very long to get the better stuff. i even wear their gloves. LS: spotted Hawkfish (aggressive. do not get unless u intend to keep hardy fish if your tank's small) Blue-devil damsel snails 2 electric-blue hermits from Eaquarist 1 pistol hitch-hiker in there somewhere corals: lots of zoos and mushies. other stuff dun do very well. too much nutrients. aka dirty tank.
  9. lucky u. LFS always sell those big pieces. i think i put one or two i no need put anything else already. got any interesting polyps/mushies?
  10. will be adding more corals tho. but hard to find really small pieces. =/
  11. really? my mistake. im keeping it in a small plastic tank. wanna see how big i can make it grow. =p
  12. oh yeah, one more thing. the "clam" in the pics is only a shell i picked up somewhere. its not live.
  13. lol i havent been testing ever since the tank cycled. =p i think regular water change should keep everything but phoshate in check. stupid tap water.
  14. here's the worm feedin on pellets.
  15. yeah man. that IS a heater. office temp is about 22C. damn cold when aircon is on. set it to 25C on heater. =p hmm.. monkey shrimp... perhaps u can do a chk on the internet on it? added a blue devil damsel and a tubeworm. looking good. no new corals tho. hard to find really small rocks. jon.
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