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Everything posted by TONNY

  1. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrssssssss tell me ... tell me......... tell me please!!..
  2. AM got exciting shipment tomorrow... be there to find out oo.. what shipment??
  3. pm u liao cheersQUOTE=w3ish3ng,Sep 14 2006, 09:20 AM] sis, can pm me price
  4. can you pm the price for the iks complete system
  5. ah boy this is very wrong to say people ah kua, Acidjazz, sue him for that. I am on your side! i am also on your side..... acidjazz,, pm your number to loser ah boy. if he call, i will take care of it
  6. QUOTE=RicMania,Sep 6 2006, 03:13 PM] ah boy may i say you are the real ah kua dare to put number dun dare to on the phone
  7. sorrry jervismm... i am not acid jazz...... so, it is a good thing that all bm sold out. so no harm done for the seller.... but for the users, i wish you GOOd luck.. I just hope that many readers will learn from sgreefclub that this club is more for commercial purposes instead of pure hobbyists club. so buy at your own risk...... heehhhehe........
  8. oh no i see a kamikaze pilot who cannot profit from the ATI BM and will unscrupulously try to destroy the good name of a potential skimmer.... a review is such a double edged sword.... ohhhh noooooooooooooooooooo what is the purpose for this thread? to sell product ?? or to review????
  9. U WANT TO GET INVOLVE BETWEEN ME & HIM IS IT? if yes so? if no then?
  10. ok I know the price of this skimmer is attractive... but I'm wondering by the look of the messy wire "needle wheel" of this skimmer. It seem to me that it will get easily dirty and thus end up reduce performance and worst stop skimming totally. So how long you need to take the pump out and wash that messy wire "needle wheel". Also as stated the water flow rate and air rate given it sound unreal for the kind of pump given it quite unlikely that the kind of water and air rate can be acheive.. well maybe I'm wrong.. nope, you are definitely right about the air rate.. 2000l/hour..using eheim 1262, hmm.. even deltec and hns cannot give that number. anyway, price is good and it works. please consider it.
  11. [WAT R U TRYING TO PROVE TO REEFERS OR R U TRYING TO MISLEAD THEM ? R U THE AGENT ? I DOUBTS U R NOT TAT RICH . R U LOOKING 4 TROUBLES ? I TINK U R. WHO WILL BELIVES ? SINCE YR NICK IS PIA ZHI. Coool down ah boy. acid jazz is not proving anything to reader. he just want to share about his newly acquired skimmer. thank you
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