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Everything posted by JoergB

  1. Hi Michael, it is correct, that moonpod tested the 120V/60Hz-version of the BM250 with Eheim Threadwheel-pump. There was a series of logistic and technical problems. 1. There was a part missing, that reduces the intake to the level, the skimmer works best. We shipped it to our wholesaler in the states later. I don`t know want happens to the skimmer while moonpod was waiting for it. 2. The pump was prepared like our 50Hz-pumps. We did test it with the 60Hz-frequency. Now we have a Voltage/frequency-transformer and we are working on the optimal wokout for the pump. The first tests has shown, that the problem is solved. 3. We are testing with the new pumps and this looks better than the Eheim 126x-pumps. If the tests will show no negative results, we change to the ATI-pumps. But believe, we will not go a step back! As you see in the different forums, the impressions of the reefers are positive and I´m sure this will be also with the 120V-Versions greetings Joerg
  2. Hi, The Eheim 1250 is a very good, but old fashioned pump, that is very hard to modify. The new pumps have a modern chamber and approx. the same efficiency at less power consumption (11-13Watts). The pumps have only advantages for the reefers and the company as well. All our products are living projects. We are a company, that is trying to fit the needs of the reefers and if there is anything to make better - why not? All products are handcrafted in our company, so we can change the production if its neccessary. For example, the grey neck is the result of reducing the handling height of the skimmer. Other optical changes are made to show that there is a "bubblemaster"-series. We are using the same materials on every bubblemaster (BM150,BM200,BM250), so the customer can identify a BM as a BM of ATI. The small corrections on the skimmer does not mean, that the older version is not effective! You may think, the 1260 and the 1262 are different. The originals are different, but at the point, we are modifying this pump it does not matter, what original 126x it is. We are changing everything at the in- and outlet of the pump. That`s why the data on the original Eheim-pump is not correct anymore. The power-consumption is not 80W a printed on the pump. It is only 50-55W. Maybe someone in the forum can measure it. The reefkeeping is a process, that is getting better and better. Why should we stop making our products better if possible? There enough old fashioned products on the market, that are not up to date in efficiency and pricing. That is our way to make business, with good products at fair costs. But I don´t want to start an advertising show, but maybe its interesting for you to know, what concept we have. greetings Joerg
  3. No problem! @Jervis As you mentioned the riffaquaristikforum, you can find my posts under the same nickname.
  4. Hi Dominik, If you have doubts about it, feel free to call me at the company 0049 2381 3056808. Is it so strange, that a manufacturer answers in the forum or why do you think, I'm a fake? greetings Joerg
  5. Hi @all first, let me introduce myself, please. My name is Joerg Blei and I am a member of the ATI-Aquaristik company in Germany. I'm really impressed of this thread and how people test and report about new products. I'm alittle bit concerned about the last 2 pages, because I don't think, this is a way to discuss something, anyway! I hope my statement will help to see some things clearer: Our exclusive trader in singapore is AquaMarin Aquatic Pets and Aqua Pharm Laboratories. We do not deliver any other dealer directly in Singapore. Only these companies will get direct support and are equipped with spare-parts in case of warranty. Other ATI-Products on the Singapore market are imported without our knowledge. AM sells no copies or like you call it "cheong". (funny word for a bad thing!). Airflow-Meter: We stopped the delivery with the airflow-meter, because we are not really satisfied with it. The ball inside is of iron and in case the noise/air-filter falls into the sump, the ball we start to rust. Worth case is, that the ball cannot move in the tube and no air can be sucked at all. That is the reason! Foam-cup: It can happen, that the cup will be not so easy to remove. We don't know exactly why! All BM are tested before they leave our company and one stepstone is, that the cup is easy to remove. As mentioned, sometimes the cup is hard to remove, but you can work on the grey ring with sandpaper (it's only 1mm max.) and everything works fine. If you are not satisfied with this solution contact our partner Aquamarin and they will help you out. In generally, there is no problem with the cup. If there are any questions left, contact the dealer where you bought the BM or take a look on our homepage, where I started the English area. You will find information and I'm working hard to put in more informations! We are developing for the reefers and we are always interest in feedback - positive or negative! - but we love positive feedback Joerg
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