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Everything posted by Phang

  1. Hey Coelacanth, Maybe you can start a topic on fish breeding....Hehe Banggais fries!!!!!
  2. Don't remember any NTUC there...??? But look out for flowers... yeah... and they will lead you to the corals.... I did ask whether the corals ar for sale and they quote me.....
  3. Hi All, Hope to gather knowledge from here regarding the many kinds of invertebrates and how they affect our reef systems... got to recognize them as either friend or foe.... WHY??? Coz I saw a lettuce nudibranch in my tank once.... took it out and remove it ... then later found out that it is a excellent algae controller...ARRRGHHHH!!!!!!! Won't make that mistake if I have known... so think this topic should be great help to many of us... Maybe also can post pics to help identify this critters.... Phang
  4. Hi Achilles, You have pricing for Starpire glass of 5 by 2.5 ft....????
  5. Phang


    Also another reminder, The different epoxy cures at different rates... so should get one that meets your requirements...
  6. Hey, Just forgot to tell you... the shop is under the disguise of a florist shop.... Look out for aquarium stuff displayed outside..... Their blastomussa is excellent!!!! Red ones with green centre...WOW. But EX...... <_< Red mushrooms too (really red..... )
  7. Phang


    Check out Sealife at Balestier. They have a different kinds with different curing rates and also colours... I personally using Aquamedic... Seems Ok but will release particles into the water when placing the epoxy into the water....
  8. Hi Qixian, Regarding the PhosGuard, do you place that stuff into your tank permanently or for short periods??
  9. "Quite a few types of baby fish clean larger fish as well, typically those with black and white stripes, blue and white stripes and red and white stripes. These are the universal sign for cleaners in the sea. Some of these change colour when bigger and lose the cleaning habit. " Read from somewhere that there are fishes that impersonate these cleaner fishes through having the same body markings... I think they are known as Fang Blennies... However they don't clean fishes, they take chunks of fin and flesh from them...Heehee.... saw a number of them recently in some LFS . Phang
  10. Phang

    Metal Halides

    Hi Barracuda, Yup, you are right... those lights marketed as aquarium MHs are very expensive... think you could get the components and bulbs at a fraction of the price quoted... Myself thinking of DIY-ing MHs... of course with a little help ... with friends I known thru forums.... Phang
  11. Hi Qixian, Shop is actually opposite the Freshwater Aquarium...I think called Sam...something... Blk next to the market. They sell setups... but also the corals in the setups... Some of them pretty nice. but a little ex!!! To go there... take any bus that can get you to Parkway. Phang
  12. Phang

    Metal Halides

    Okay, Pricing of 150W e-ballast (Iwasakis) around $180.00 - $200.00. 250W 6500k Iwasaki Bulbs RA 90 ...$ 78.00.. 150W normal ballast $90.00 Are these pricings expensive??
  13. Phang

    Metal Halides

    Hi All, Anyone out there interested in MHS or have DIY..ed MHs... Care to share your experience and know-hows so all of us can benefit.. Myself will be checking out the pricing of e ballast. found the availability of 150w e-ballast (Iwasaki). will post results of search.... Any body with comments on MH bulbs... any reviews and how they have affected your aquarium and coral growth??? Thanks
  14. Hi Bluebeard, Caven road is actually along the main road from Lavender MRT to Balestier...if you are driving. From Lavender MRT, you can walk (takes 10-15 mins)... Pretty nice setting....
  15. Huh???? Dun recall any shops in market... but if you check out the florist shop besides the market... they do have some reef display tanks... the corals in there are for sale...
  16. Yep, the difference in PAR comparison between HQIs and Iwasakis is distinctive!! So, According to the infor, Placing a 250W iwasaki Bulb with a PAR of 140 6 inches from the water surface will result in around 1260 PAR. with reflector... shld improve by 50%, resulting in 1890 PAR. so 50% of this is lost at 6-12 inches depth and only 25% remains at 24 inches...so know where to place the corals now...hehehe. If excess light results in colour pigmentation changes.... then would high PAR results in SPS corals colouration change by placing them in different depths of the aquarium..??? The crisp bluish sheen from 10000k would definitely help in the appearance of the reef tank but would it contribute to the corals needs in light requirements.... Please advise... Phang
  17. I think still the same.... Anyone tried the recent opened one at Caven Road ??? Nice enironment and pretty well kept....
  18. HQI , HQI fittings...huh??? Sorry, stil a little blur regarding MHs. Actually the reason i'm getting Iwasakis 6500k is due to their bulb life. heard that 10000k bulbs lose their intensity pretty fast .. would be expensive replacing... so opt for 6500k and then supplement with actinics for the blues.... heard also that coral actually benefits more from high PAR.... Archilles ... maybe can give reviews of the different MHs bulb and equip in your product review section... since ultimately many of us reefers would be using them... once bitten by the reef bug and you are forever........... Phang
  19. Heehee, Members have its priviledges....
  20. Wow, you planning to DIY or buying ready made. I'm thinking of DIY my MHs... 1 x 250W and 3 x 150W with actinics... going to look for e ballast. I think Iwasakis.....
  21. Hi Spiff, Your Acros.... veri nice... You are using MHs...?? can spare details...?? keen on MHs for my next set up.. Phang
  22. I thought clams and acropora don't eat.... they photosynthesis....
  23. No lah.... Fishes all hiding... corals not fully open.... camera available only at wrong timing.... no own camera.... will pos again when corals fully open and fishes swimming.... BTW, this tank is home to 1 pygmy angel, 2 mandarins, 1 blenny, 1 redfin longtail (always hiding), 1 six line, 1 maroon clown ........
  24. Hey... It works... But sorry... notice pic a little too big.... next time make smaller before posting...... DO hope the experts give me comments... since i'm aiming for a bigger project.... Phang
  25. Ok, Here goes.. My 3 footer with in built sump... 2 more months or maybe more ...(depends on whether got money or not).. and this transforms to a 5 footer.....
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