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Everything posted by Reefzzz

  1. Bro, have new updates anot?? Did u get your new clams?? PICSsss
  2. Aiya.. just name both of you prata King & Queen lor sounds good!!!
  3. No more SPS for me bro until i learn how to keep their colors.. Install a MH because trying to bring out the blue of the small frag of blue tip.. Not sure if worth the effort anot of doing so many things just for that 1 frag or should i just remove that frag and pretend i never put in there before???
  4. hummm.... then must update with pixs... smell more gems to be decorated in ur tank
  5. Thanks bro for your well wishes ..the prata had not recover but i think i had... Toying with the idea of replacing it...
  6. That's cute... Prata mini... Thinking of my injured prata again... hahaa
  7. Did not know it is harmful ma... so did not shift them.... and suddenly, they decided to face-off... Wait till you see the damage ... may not recover.. Do i need to wash & remove away the rotten area?
  8. Bro Ken, Phase II of your project.. Be a copepods farmer & sell those stuffs... LIVE Ken Marine CopepodsTM ??? Anyone???
  9. Bro, are those blue colored stuffs some sponge or sometimes like that?? You may wanna remove them & the bioballs... they tends to accumulate nitrate in the long run.. Just my opinion.. .. No offense pls...
  10. Did not take any pics of the white string, bro... i guess too shock to do so.. hahaha... The tonga prata which is less meaty than the normal bali prata seems to have stinging ability... After moving them apart, the white string slowly retract into its pores.. The white string similar to the type split out by mushroom when disturbed.. Should have move them further apart when i first saw the white string-like sting.. But thought all pratas are same family but decide to face-off one day... so sianzzzz again....
  11. Yes, this time is not just one white string. Thought it was harmless initially... This evening, there were about > 10 strings shooting out from the tonga prata attacking the bi-color... Bi-color exposing 3 skeletons now... POOR bi-color... Happy neighbour just a few days ago.... Signzzz... Just when i think there were no casualty in the tank....
  12. Bro, can show a pics of your Calcium reactor + CO2 tank??
  13. came back home to discover bi-color prata kena sting by tonga prata, badly injured it... signzzzzzzzzzz..... bi-color was on the verge of full recovering from bleaching... they had been neighbour for the past month and suddenly decided to sting each other... Thought prata are from the same family and should not be stinging each other???? soooo sianzzzzzz
  14. wow.. set up a 12ft acrylic cash tank
  15. Bro, then u have to be quick... Just imagine if the tank is loaded with water. .. More $$$$$$
  16. bro, u never fail to impress with your ideas... can't wait to see your refugium as well...
  17. Wah bro, your DIY getting more & more complicated leh.. from bending PVC to now messing with some control circuitry... U seems to be good with electrical stuffs... very impressive i am DAMN scared of wiring, current & voltage stuffs....
  18. bring your kids along too, bro... ... we do gather quite often... Will sms u.. Gd if you can join.. the more pple the merrier... saw that you are getting opinion for chiller... there is a 1/10 artica on sale now.. u may want to consider...
  19. Collection at Sengkang, Fernvale... near to AM
  20. Hey PP, no problem at all. U can always come over when u have the time. Just sms me & we can go for house visit around Fernvale and some kopi of course.. Nice good tank you got. The glass is of very high clarity...
  21. Thanks for the compliment, bro.. Bought brand new in Oct for $400+ Last price reduction --> $275 for the complete set with ATI T5s...
  22. bro, That will cost me another bomb leh.. when your main tank coming??
  23. Decided to upgrade to MH for the sake of the few frags of SPS in my tank... Hope they can grow faster..
  24. Bought a new gadet.... The name itself looks cooool....
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