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Everything posted by LiveRock

  1. Hello there I thought I reload some of the previous pictures on my DIY moonlight. Here it goes:
  2. Hello brown star polys? Letting go at S$12. They are densely packed on a large rock.
  3. Please enter my order for: 8)red mushroom(11 frags on one stone)-$6 3)metallic green ricordea(4 frags of different sizes in one stone)- $11 14)Mix zoos(small polyp)-$6 Cheers!
  4. I use a product called Coralife Kalkwasser. It mentioned that it has included iodine and strodium. Dunno whether it is true or not. Young chap at SeaLife told me that it is unlikely for calcium hydroxide to mix with iodine and strodium...
  5. >>>>>>For Safety Raise all electricals off the floor. Thats something we should all do!
  6. Thanks, fellows! BTW, where is harlequin and coralfarm? Never been these 2 places, me always go to sealife, reborn or lorong harlus. Cheers!
  7. What's a horse shoe shrimp? Interesting name, can't imagine how it looks like!
  8. mv3i Its gonna cost $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  9. Interested in your green button poly if you are willing to separate it from your package.
  10. May I know the 'average' price of tis cute fellow? Seen any lately? Thanks!
  11. Hi Has anyone got a disaster recovery strategy when electricity power fails? I heard that some pumps cause water to backflow, resulting in flooding and possible electrical short-circuit when the power comes back on. There is also the drip loop that was mentioned that if there is any leak, the water should drip to a safe place instead on to any electrical parts. What safety measures are there since our hobby has become so increasingly dependent on electrical power to ensure both our survivability (explosion) and our pets'
  12. Hi I am currently using a surface skimmer (black colour, taiwanese type) attached to the intake of an external Ehiem canister filter. The problem I face is that because of water surface movement, the surface skimmer does not get a constant supply of water, resulting in many bubbles in the output of the canister filter. When the system stablises, the bubbles reduced but everytime I turn off and on the canister, the problem repeats itself. I am thinking of attaching the surface skimmer to the intake of the Prism Skimmer instead. Is this a great idea or what?
  13. Hi I am thinking of adding a bi-colour blenny to my tank for algae control. Anyone has experience with this fish? Is it difficult? Any potential problems? Thanks!
  14. Suitable for all types of dishes except veggies
  15. LiveRock

    fuzzy mushrms

    Yes, me loves mushrooms... frogspawn also, if it is just a small frag. PM you my contact.
  16. Agree with bawater. But it is good to have a skimmer around. Use a Hang-On-back (HOB) skimmer to optimise space. Examples are Prizm and Remora. BTW, I'm also a pico-tanker (1 feet x 1 feet). Here is what I use. Prizm skimmer Ehiem 2026 external canister with Poly-foam inside. Surface skimmer to the Ehiem DSB and LiveRocks. So far, 1 year + and still ok. I change 30% water every month. Top up almost every day with 1 L of Kalkwasser
  17. I paid nearly $50 for the PT. On the high side, I think. I bought a small speciment and intent to give it away when it outgrow my tank. I was very very very happy when it cleared my nuisance algae; brown, green, hair, everything it also wallop... but now its gone, gone, gone....
  18. Hi dodo Such a loverly purple tang you have! Abt mine, I didn't have any other tang, it is my very first tang in my tank. Well... now it is gone, I'm thinking twice before I look for another one.... and it is not cheap.... Thanks, dodo.
  19. Bought a PT from SeaLife last Wednesday. It was healthy and eating. In fact, after acclimatisation, the PT immediately start eating and is quite active. It even glazed on my nuisance algae. It's colour became brighter and colourful, all signs of good health. Then, yesterday, it started to hide in cave and refused to feed. And this morning, it went back to meet the heavenly father. I was quite disappointed, and I wonder what happened! All the other fishes and corals are ok. What caused this tragedy? Is this normal for purple tang? My friend told me that the fish was probably been supported by the medicinal water in the LFS and when it arrived in my aquarium, the medicinal effects were wearing off and finally, the fish gave way. Can such things be true?
  20. Agree. I have full confidence that Singapore's defense is one of the best. Its just that when I browse thru' this thread..., I am reminded of the Navy Ad, and there's a hint of irony in it. Consider the number of tragedies that occured in road, train, air accidents, high traffic and weather conditions: statistically, something like this is bound to happen. Apparently, the laws of probability and entropy is at work
  21. sigh.... 4 innocent lives, lost because of other people's mistake.... makes me wonder if the Navy 'Missile' TV Ad is really a mockery or irony....
  22. how large does a blenny grow into?
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