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Everything posted by thairun

  1. Hi fellow reefers would like to put my Duncan for bidding Start at $28 and Bid ending 06/01/1 Sunday at 2259hrs. Collection within 3 days after biding ends, at CCKang 680251 This is the 3rd time the Duncan branched out and put for bid as its very healthy and grow fast. This frags come at least 12 small heads, branch open around 4in under MH. WYSIWYG Unique color green face with purplish tentacles, closed up view. Strictly for Bidding No other deal. Thanks and happy bidding!
  2. Thanks bro, pics taken under blue plus ATI and MH.
  3. At last managed to fixed up some pics Cats eye $2 per polyp purple fission $2per polyp lord of the ring $3 per polyp clockwork orange $3 per polyp purple hearted zoas $2 per polyp Other zoas $1 per polyp or clearance zoas at $5 per frag. Thanks for viewing
  4. Sure bro.... Managed to fix some problem, mod pls look tru window 8 compatibility with window explorer on the enter tab key in this reply. Now using goggle chrome to reply. Just for reefer info. sales base on FCFS and no reservation as i had enough experiences. Soon will post pics. Thanks
  5. Having trouble to upload big pixel. Will fix my old lap top back and post pics soon. Meanwhile pls refer my old sale thread for some references. New morph are cats eyes and lord of the ring. Just fyi some zoas sold out like smooth jazz, red and purple hornet. Others on special request may frag on spot but at own risk as fresh cut zoas are not stable. Having hard time with this bloody new lap top not ops ready LOL.
  6. Hi reefers clearing my frag trays. New morph of zoas at $1 to $3 per polyp. Some left over from previous zoas sales clearing at $5 per frags. At least 5polyps per frag to 15 polyps available. Viewing at CCKang 680251. Interested party please PM me. Pics will be posted early morning. FCFS. Early birds catch a worm. Thanks
  7. Agree..... importantly is know how to keep them. Fyi a link and guidance http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=597+600+2980&pcatid=2980
  8. Just for your guideline to share. I check NSW periodically before use from my reputable regular supplier before use in my tank. SG 1.021 refractrometer Kh 8dkh api Calcium 310ppm salifert Magnesium 1100ppm salifert NO3 0ppm api absolute yellow PO4 0ppm hanna No matter what i will run pass my water 3 jerrycan through carbon block to my big drum (preventive measure). Then add in mag chloride and calcium chloride to beef up according to chemical calculator to make mg 1400ppm n ca 400ppm. Add in further tropic marine salt to adjust sg at 1.026 as my tank is sps dominated. Cycle water, wait for at least 12 prior in using. All my LS doing great except pink color sps. Just a question to any expert, any additive can support this color. Appreciate if u can help. Thanks in advance.
  9. Its true open tmr!! http://www.travelweeklyweb.com/world-s-largest-oceanarium-opens-tomorrow/44763
  10. Bro hv one still running but giving no gd wave for my 3x1.5x1.5ft frag tank. Not efficient for d size tank I think. Thinking of swoping w vortec.mp10 or equivalant. If u hv any. Cheers
  11. Up for the remaining; 1. Wavemaker SCWD ( complete with piping need to fixup pump n hose only) $30 3. Wavemaker Tunze stream 6060 2units (need to replace impeller frm RD as prop weared off) $15 each 4. Wavemaker Seio 1100 $15 and 620 $ 8 ( both impeller need to replaced from Hansmans Aqua at Neo Teo Crecent) 5. Atman powerhead AT-107 (5000 l/hr 115W) $30 8. Resun CL650 0.5Hp - $70 9. Blue tub 4x3x1ft - $20 10. Korallin Calcium reactor - 80 Thanks
  12. Haha this is the one i saw in your tank bro. Actually it nice color at that price worth buying. Unfortunately i hv a frag of it. Up for ur sale.
  13. Items sold; 2. Tunze 6100 7. Led moonlite 8. Skimz FR Other still available. Thnaks for viewing.
  14. Thanks bro Red and Purple Hornet sold out. Others still availble.....
  15. Hi bros & sis, selling my spare items; 1. Wavemaker SCWD ( complete with piping need to fixup pump n hose only) $30 2. Wave maker Tunze stream 6100 (controllable) $100 3. Wavemaker Tunze stream 6060 2units (need to replace impeller as prop weared off) $15 each 4. Wavemaker Seio 1100 $15 and 620 $ 8 ( both impeller need to replaced from Hansmans Aqua at Neo Teo Crecent) 5. Atman powerhead AT-107 (5000 l/hr 115W) $30 6. Elbiru E-Ballast 150W (Need to fix plug head) $15 7. LED 4bulb blue moonlite come in 2unit with one driver. $50 8. Big FR Skimz-Sidea 6in dia x 16in ht. $40 9. Other 3 remaining items on previous sales View and collection at CCKang 680251 WYSIWYG. Pm me if interested Thanks
  16. Hey fren, sure. This is the only one standing milli that last during the tank crashed last year. You need to blast up to bring the color back. Thanks lcf425
  17. Some pics of new arrival. smoth Jazz $3/polyp King midas $3/polyp Eagle eye $1/polyp Red hornet morph $2/perpolyp Radioactive geen $1/polyp Orange clockwork $2/polyp Choclate mint, blue face spartan n purple face $1/polyp Tmr viewing and collection at 11am to 5pm. Nite after 8pm till 10pm. PM for arrangement. Thanks Happy reefing!!
  18. Hi reefers, frags station full again and alot choices of zoas are on offer. Mostly $1 per polyp. Some $5 per frag. FCFS basis no reservation. View and collect at CCkang 680251 today or tmr. Pics refer to last sales Sold out are rppe, evil eye but replace with new stock like eagle eye, radioactive green, smooth jazz ($3per polyp) Some sps acro bubble gum frag $10-20/frag, meteor shower $10-15per frag, purple green tip pocci $15per frag, orange digi, radioactv bn. All frags 1.5- 2in or more. Any buy more than $50 will give FOC $5 frag (zoas or sps) or 10%discount. Thanks
  19. Picture tell a thousand words Before pic in Aug Present pic in Oct Growth & color better Thanks BRS
  20. Wonder why such a good staff nobody interested. Unfortunatedly am still having 1more bottle frm last BO from SRC Admin Larry, or else will take from u. It will last long time as am using only 5teaspoon a mnth to maintain PO4 at 0.03ppm in 1k ltr tank. Will download my sps pic before n after effect if i hv chance later after work.... Up for sale bro.
  21. I take 2 buckets. Pls Thnx
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