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Everything posted by jackywongto

  1. I have nvr kept anemone. better let other reefers answer you.
  2. ... not this month lah..... u ready to start stocking already?
  3. gonio already have green and red already. GSP / starpolyps too ==> luminous green Super sun => orange, sun = yellow/ orange (get huge colonies) Zoas - get more big face ones. or palys. dun get too many red / brown skirting Torch / true octo => luminous green huge coco worm =? red Rics => put all the rics on 1 rock or 2 and place them in same location => multicolour Leather => green Sponge = blue Then you can get montis = lime green, orange, purple, so many colours.....
  4. Ya rescape to me ==> remove everything and redo everything. Peter and Karl experience this already
  5. too espensive lah bro..... + sandbed is better for gobies. gonna start my new gobies collection soon.
  6. getting white sandbed soon....... once I have some time to do this....
  7. OT, my baby's 1st swimming lession yesterday.
  8. my gonio is expanding like mad.... almost palm size now..... hope it stop. else no space for it liao...
  9. Justin eat, sleep and shit in Iwarna. That's his second home
  10. you are one of the few who has no right to ask for FTS hehe....
  11. There is only 1 admin guy with access Go contact Larry Iskay. Prob a reset for u will resolve this. cheers!
  12. Click on "edit my profile" on your profile page. Look for "member title" field.
  13. Hi wilson - increasing aeration will raise PH. you can also create more surface agitation. That will also increase oxygen level. - dose PH buffers. I use Kent Marine Pro-dKH (Liquid type) very effective. Are you topping up with distilled water?
  14. no lah... not considered rescaping.... Luke must be giggling already. I just remove some rocks at the bottom. remove some corals. reposition some corals. 90% of the rock scape are still the same
  15. I cleared up the clutter. tank was looking too packed. so removed the large and similar colonies of zoas. removed some rocks at the front.... now looks more spacious liao.
  16. I think the preferred brand is Deltec. Skimz is a local brand. All hearsay. I have used neither before so.... better for you to do more homework before purchase.
  17. did you put in an air stone and aerate it over the or simply just left it there in a pail overnight?
  18. upzz for your sale bro! mystery wrasse pic link here for convenience : http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=78002&view=findpost&p=890997
  19. Hi Michael. Tap water PH can be as high as 9.4. aerate the salt mix water overnight and it will be ok. always prepare the water 1 night before performing water change.
  20. I do recall that Peter did check with AVA. Think something like no permit is required if <5 bags or something like that. But yeah, if some one can reconfirm that, it will be great.
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