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Everything posted by jackywongto

  1. oops... wow you have a purple firefish ?? wow - good luck bro and keep us posted if they can get along.
  2. Welcome to the Helfrichi club. Nice catch. I have no regrets getting mine!
  3. Moss, Wilson, my timing really cannot be certain. Depends on what time my baby wakes up, what time she finishes her cereal, If wife is in good mood, if need to do grocery etc etc etc.... Can only say that if we are going, it shld be around 2 pm. Moss, u will not want to go with my family to lfs.... Normally zoom in , 15 mins later zoom out liao..... Haha
  4. tank update: Bought a small fan for cooling my girl's nano tank today. Should be able to start the tank tomorrow .... dropping by CF tml to see if they have any nice small rocks .... hehe
  5. Yeah nice to meet up with you guys again and nice meeting you, mossrope! Well nice meeting everyone except RAY! !@$@#$%^$#^&*^%(% He is soooo happy today that he did not pass a single chance at having a dig at me today.........absolutely brutal today......
  6. haiz Kiko. Should have contacted us. We were still in Pasir Ris at 3+.... at the opposite end of irwana though..... we went up tank visit Eniram, Hello Kitty and Ray's reef
  7. Ray - bought 2x nice zoas & nano magnet Eniram - bought some fishes and zoas Mossrope - bought carbon Jacky - bought a small fan His girl is sick too ...
  8. lol you got me there muffin girl .....
  9. You guys must be distinguished members of the "Head of the Househole" club too......
  10. yeah I will when she can start typing maybe around 9 years old? Was glad I was not in office today. SRC was down... must have been agonizing ....
  11. Hi guys, Just to update that I will not be able to be there. Have a fun night! Confirmed 1) Harlequin Mania ( Larry ) 2) LemonLemon (bringing Pie) 3) Ketchup 4) Desi --> contributing Tiramisu 5) DUCADOS 6) Qiang 7) Iskay 8 & 9) StevenKoh08 +1 10,11,12) Cedricang + 2 13, 14) Goudian + 1 and 2 kids. (bringing wine) 15, 16) Reddevilz and his girlfriend 17) Weisheng 18) bellinayu (belle) 19) FuEl Confirm coming but don't cater food 1) Binosage 2) Clam Chowder (Mervyn) - 2 bottles of vodka Will drop by if can make it. No need to cater food. 1) Wilsontantw 2) Onizuka 3) AhSiang 4) Comycus 5) digibee x1 (after 10 pm) 6) peacemaker 7) Jackywongto (with reach ard 9pm) 8) Ray 9 & 10) kanegan and Shinn Unconfirmed status - please cut and paste your name to the above right section. Thanks. jyoon (tentative - if come will bring Sake) MarcoVan (Tentative) Mossrope (will drop by only if jackywongto is not driving and will drink with me)
  12. Hey Armour bro - Reefmax artic pods - I have tried these before. not impressed. can skip them imo. if you are looking for coral food, bring some empty bottles to my place. I can pass you some oyster feast, rotifers, phyto feast, and many other kent marine coral additives. You should try Henry's gourmet too. I can pass you this as well. IF Henry's food cannot tempt your suns into opening... then nothing can - your suns can still open bigger. you should see some yellow tentacles extending for the "tube".
  13. My tank thread totally transformed into an outing thread Liao....
  14. guys, we are meeting at Simei MRT, 1:15 pm instead. cheers
  15. Simei is good. will let them know. 1:15pm. Ty ty!
  16. no worries. can split grp and take a cab in. food wise : just get 3 packs of chicken rice and 2 packs of char siew+roast pork.
  17. I just had a first look at the pics.... wow.. some of the shots really bad...... 1st thought that come to my mind => could the photographer/ publisher be biased? Some of the contestants look quite ok but there are a few others that are rather shockingly "disturbing". Could they have deliberately chosen some of these photos to favor the other contestants?
  18. Eniram 1:30 at Pasir Ris MRT. Thanks for helping to da pao lunch. 1) AhSiang 2) jacky 3) bino 4) Ray 5) Eniram Thank you thank you!
  19. If you are looking for LS to help stir the sand and loosen it, prevent algae growth on them, then both nassarius snail and sand dollars are good choice. But I am not sure how much they clean it though. If you want clean sand, then the best is still to depend on your siphoning tool. My thoughts based on personal experience ( just some food for thoughts, I can be completely wrong.). I have seen nassarius snails snatching food from my rics before. They move fast, zoom onto uneaten food on the sandbed in good speed. very good scavengers ? yes. but do note that they poo a lot too..... spending most of their time in the sandbed => their waste are trapped in the under layer of the sandbed.... meaning you are probably dirtying your sandbed at a faster rate with these creatures if you keep too many of these. Try containing them in a beta box for a day or two and see for yourself amount of poos collected in the plastic box.
  20. We are the lucky parents to have her and her sister. I am very deprived growing up, I think that pushes me to give her whatever I can within my means ... without spoiling her of course. Everything still in original plastic wraps. Need to get wife's nod before starting the tank.
  21. Exactly bro! We also need to periodically remind them that it is better putting time and $$ into reefing hobbies than other "unhealthy" hobbies On the other hand, come to think of it, my wife is considered quite supportive liao. Drives me to CF, SL most of the time. I spend tons of time on rescaping, she also never make noise. Nvr ask me how much the corals cost too....... Only thing is that she just gets naggy when I get a bit too obsessed with the tank or any other hobbies... forum, PS3, etc etc.
  22. ** clap clap... clever 2 yr old..... hey, you have friends of the zoo? next time bring your girl out for a zoo outing together..
  23. Yeah but just realized something. telling is the easy part... but how to show ?? Bring the fishes there?
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