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Everything posted by jackywongto

  1. Kiko, you go and confirm with Shan.... if it is true, then really can move your rocks to the sump and just scape using those fake rocks.
  2. lol... there you go Peong... issue solved.
  3. they are porous and not hollow?? Kiko, break one and see leh.....
  4. well not if you were busy that day and purpose made time to travel some distance out..... could have drove more than an hour to reach this place as they need to keep the fake bldg out of sight.....
  5. Bacteria cannot colonize on the artificial rocks as they are hollow, not porus. hollow meaning water will fill up the artificial rocks. This water in the rocks gets really stale after a couple of months as they do not get circulated. But as long as you place these fake rocks in the tank and do not move them, the water in these fake rocks will not leak into main tank and everything should be fine. FOr a start, you can move some LR into the sump. then put artificial rock inside. after a while, remove the other pile and place the other artificial rock. if want to be kiasu, you can leave the LR inside the MT too and take out 2 pieces every alternate days. just bear with the unsightfulness for a few weeks. If biohomme is suppose to do as claimed, you should be ok. ================================== might be going LFS on Friday... wanna join us and hunt for nice LR?
  6. i think he meant too powerful... hehe......
  7. the biggest one... 2042, liberty 200.
  8. MH - very hot and glaring..... if you aircon is switch off over the weekend, the LS will get toasted. T5 - your tank is 2 feet right? T5 will be good. LED - also reccommended. moonlight - dun need.
  9. peong, I can loan you my giessemann nova II 150W MH (with 20k bulb) for 2 weeks - np. but because we are not acquainted, I think it is better for you to place $280 deposit with me and when you return the set to me in same condition, I will pass back to you the $280. Sorry arh.. not that I do not trust you but... sometimes... all kind of ppl in the forum, I need to protect myself. Just drop me a pm if you are keen. collection in CCK. But do note that the MH has no bracket... so you need to sit it on a hood or hang it up.
  10. btw, the flow is adjustable ... so it definite will not create a sandstorm.
  11. monkey see monkey do..... lol... ok ok np. will keep you posted if I come across any better ones.
  12. I am using the eheim liberty filter 2042 for my 1 ft but the carbon cartridge kind of sucks and they are not cheap. http://www.eheimasiapacific.com/prod_eheim_filter_hangon.html Will be trying to mod them to contain my rox 8.0 carbon, polyfilter..... if that can be done, then it will be an awesome HOB
  13. Arh.... I see the tail. you did not peel off the shell? you can peel and discard the prawn shell....
  14. nice bro... you have a chiller connected too? ... cannot see the prawn....
  15. yeah don't have to. The reason is: The water in your tank evaporates. But the salt does not. So if you keep topping off with salt water, there will be more and more salt concentration accumulated in the tank and the salinity will keep on shooting upwards. Another way to look at it is that water evaporates (less water in tank) but the salt qty stays constant in your tank meaning the tank water is getting more salty. you are topping off water just to maintain salinity. Remember to top off using treated tapwater or DI water... else algae will boom easily.
  16. looks like an enacted drama..... dun think its real reality. maybe partial... some paid actors, some real audience. Look at the guy in blue denim jacket. - the way he fall... if you sprint and fall, normally fall flat straight..... not a rollover - when he tried to get hold of the car door, the grip is so faint and he could have used the other hand to open the door by the side. - when he kick the man on the ground.... haha... if you have been involve in a fight before, you definitely know that is not the way you kick......he was like playing soccer with kids....
  17. I second that suggestion... cause your current FTS (both left and right side)... lol...... sooner or later you will still need to rescape... but as well do it now.... you have pics of your artificial rocks? BTW your sump has biohomme or LR right?
  18. Maybe he was saying run your tank with NSW 1st..... then go back to LFS and get the LR to put it into the tank after a few days. and NOT setup the tank, leave the rocks outside of the tank for a few days then put LR into the tank.
  19. These are desirable coraline algae. a lot of hobbyist prefer to have them in their tanks. The hairy green algae are those that you need to brush off with a toothbrush if you see them.
  20. Hey bro! 14k lighting is not suppose to be yellow. I know certain brands might be less blue but definitely not yellow. maybe you can check back with that LFS ... who knows, maybe that manufacturer really had some issues with that batch.
  21. Bro, if you are getting the crystal pro DI unit, you might want to source for refillable cartridges and resins. Save quite a lot of $ over the long run.
  22. Bro, I encountered the same initially when I just started the tank for about 3 - 4 months. Morning clean, afternoon the algae will be visible from the side. Think it is due to a new setup and just got to be diligient in wiping them off.
  23. this one.. i really dunno.... I don't think there is any good HOB filter in the market suitable for reefs.
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