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Everything posted by jackywongto

  1. you have wireless BB at home? Your iphone is as good as a pc. try it. you will be amazed.
  2. I have car but no license hor. Not sure if wifey gonna use the car or not. Let's see how a couple of days before the trip.
  3. why 5 years? found someone you like ..... chop chop mai tu
  4. remember to post pics of your new rics!
  5. lol yah. my SPS not doing too well. let's hope their condition improves. My PH is more stable now. 8.05 - 8.35 Gonna stick them all on the SPS rock on the top right.
  6. Tanks Comy. The FTS a bit ugly cause I have not clean up the tank yet. but everything is coming into place now. So happy. I have placed them in isolation box to get use to seeing each other. The bigger clown is slightly more yellowish and the smaller one is more orangy
  7. Yeah might be difficult to convince her now. Wait a while more later. 1000 hehe. but my tank full already unless if they have red mandarin.
  8. FTS This will be the stock level for the next 1 month. Pending arrival of 2 - 3 more rics and a zoa frag. Hopefully all these LS can survive and thrive in my tank.
  9. Wanted to get a red mandarin fish but there was only 1 left in CF and its condition was quite bad already. So gave up the idea and will wait for another shipment instead. The clams still not for sale. Gotta wait another couple of days. want to get a green and a blue mini maxima.
  10. Sherman your mushroon. Open big big already. very nice....
  11. wah Chris, your tank scaping really very nice.
  12. This orange yuma is regaining its colour
  13. tangaroai shrimp goby hopefully this fella pair up with my pistol shrimp.
  14. I bought 2 true percs (baby size) Hmm they are not a pair and the bigger size percs has been attacking the other fella (Worst than my maroon) Would they every patch up?
  15. Thanks to Ray and his timely scouting report, I managed to most of the LS on my wanted list. my 1.5 inch RG (very difficult to get the WB correct, this fella purple always seems oversaturated) 1 inch neon. did not know this fella is so expensive. Bold little guy. not timid and very active in the tank. Very interesting to watch.
  16. so accurate lol sure thing. Next time Larry.
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