Just realise yours is the HQI. Do monitor the over heat in the canopy as well as heat in the cabinet due to the chiller.
I had a 150W MH before and even for an open top tank, the heat was too much to take.
I highly suspect that your water gets heated up a lot.
for the cabinet heat, check it out after your tank light has switch on for 3 - 4 hrs, then observe when the chiller kicks in, once it is able to reach its intended temperature, go check out the heat. This is the time when it is at the hottest.
http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=87946&view=findpost&p=901150 The boyu box. not many people use them for marine tanks. Check with the other JBJ owners what they are using. if possible, small pieces of live rocks are the best. If not , then prob biohommes.
Thank you for reading... sometimes I type and type but not sure if anyone reads them...
Personally I would drop some food pellets, add some bacteria and let it further cycle. just kiasu mentality. When I just set up my tank with live sand, I was also dosing bacteria every week in the initial setup.
Saw that janet did pack for you the test kit, do use them and monitor.