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Everything posted by jackywongto

  1. then I think Iwarna is the best option.
  2. Wow... must have been a tiring weekend! you must be glad you used kapor and not chengnai as the latter can cause stain on your flooring My socks clog up yesterday as well but thanks goodness it was overflowing back into the tank.
  3. You can try to google it bro. Go C328 to get it. much cheaper. There is biohomme (white) and biohomme plus (red)
  4. If you are open to Salt mix water, then I think AM and SL delivers too.
  5. My thoughts are saltmix are more predictable. You are using the same salt and same DI water. So once you have measured the water once, each time you reproduce the water, the elements in the salt mix are more or less at the same concentration. When you are using NSW, I kinda feel that the parameters are more unpredictable. I bought NSW with nitrate of 20 ppm once. Another test later in another batch of NSW bought, it was near to zero. For peace of mind, I am travelling further to get salt mix water (while waiting for Peter's resin and cartridge! - hint hint....!) each time about 10 - 20 litres. I think quite a number of people perceived that NSW has more bacteria count in them which could be true. But I am using prodibio bioclean so bacteria count is not that critical for me. Having said all the above, I think it is very much up to individual preference.
  6. wah bro, I was thinking 1 or 2, you listed 5 !!! haha... thanks for the tips. will look into them!
  7. LEt me try to answer what I can bro. 1) At the end of cycling, what would you clean in the cannister filter? I have phosphate, carbon, bio rings and sponge in cannister. phosphate and carbon - you can rinse them under tap water. sponge - wash it clean using tap water. bio rings, leave it. These media are housing the beneficial bacterial. DO NOT wash with tap water. 2) How often would you clean the cannister filter and what would you clean and not wash? When I was using the ehiem 2026, I strip and wash it every month. MAybe you can observe how dirty the cannister is during your maintenance and adjust your cleaning interval respectively. Pls note that the detritus is usually collected at the bottom of the cannister. so you would need to take everything out and wash the cannister housing. 3) In regards to skimmer, how long would you run it in a day? some say 24 hrs and some say 8-10, i m kinna confused. Yeah. There are 2 school of thoughts. some say overskimming is bad for your water and there are others who say that you can never overskim your tank. Again I think this depend on your stocking level and your skimmer efficiency. If you have a powerful skimmer for your tank size, then you can switch it on only during the night. (using the skimmer in the night and switching it off in the day helps to minimise the PH swing.) If your skimmer is just nice for your tank, then maybe you can leave it on 24 hrs. Just some food for thoughts. I am sure some other reefers will add in their opinions later. cheers!
  8. if you buy 2 female, one of them will morph into male later......
  9. Thanks Peter and Marc. Seems like need to get more additives....
  10. update on my leopardies... Went back at 6+ pm. both up and hunting around for pods. the good news is that both are feeding on mysis..... they are not keen on pellets. looks like i have to stock up mysis liao. what should i soak the mysis in to make it more nutritional for them?
  11. no lah, it iwll be my girl's tank. she will decide what she wants inside that tank I saw the JBJ 6g but dun like it leh..... will trap a lot of heat. I will go for a plastic tank, dymax clip on LED and the eheim liberty HOB filter. now trying to find a chance to convey that to my wife. Yesterday my wife asked my girl what she wanted for her birthday, my girl said "dun noe!!!!" This morning I asked my girl what she wanted for her birthday and she said "fish tank!" ........ go figure!!
  12. nice info. Hey CF, Suddenly so onz? Good to see you posting actively. Impart your knowledge to newbies
  13. lol hehe.... working girl......... I have my own version ...... some guy ever approached me before (I was still a secondary student) and made friend with me. Then 1 day, he called me, invited me to his place and asked me over the phone, hey are you "on" ? (On is part of my dialect name) I thought he was asking me if I was that person he was speaking to....... of course I said yes, i am.... luckily he realized that I am not getting his message and took a more direct route. Asked if I am gay and wanted to make out with him...... !!!!! I hanged up immediately.......
  14. nice leopard wrasse Those keen, better go grab it fast at AM. Left only about 3 I think
  15. yeah seems like HLLE. recall it was due to bad water conditions. if water conditions do not improve, it might get worse and the patch will spread to a larger area. will take quite some time to heal.
  16. wah biang... u will have lots of opportunities lah.... remember to go before you have kids!!!!
  17. nice... i was wondering if you are going to bring him out for 3 weeks! very brave
  18. Wilson, are you bringing your kid along?
  19. until now you are still selling these exotics arh , freefrag?
  20. Thanks Ketch! Yeah the wrasses are very nice and a good size for my tank. Strange my wife never ask me how much my tank setup cost. Think she close one eye... or maybe close 2 eyes.... Even now when I go and buy fishes back, she also nvr ask the cost..... I think she feels that it is better I spend on this than other other stuff. I like this arrangement actually
  21. yeah when the new expansion is released. quite hardcore..... but I play only my shammy now. warrior, priest, mage etc etc all stranded behind. I even had dual accounts once.... hehe.... but yeah...25 man raids these days really too troublesome.....and time consuming. led the raids on Naax previously. Very drained after each raid.
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