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Everything posted by jackywongto

  1. 1 week after introducing fishes.. Just tested my water today..... ammonia = 0 nitrite = 0 nitrate = 0 My skimmer also not skimming anything much. just very light coloured water. Anyway I will wait for another 1 week till I add any more livestock. I have also managed to raise my PH from 7.9 to 8.15 in the day over 1.5 weeks I think it should stablize at 8.15 ORP has risen steadily from 170 to 350. Gonna check my calcium and dkh later.
  2. I think its not a matter of whether he is a student or not. Razornova is simply asking if anyone can gives him a lift to iwarna if they happen to be going. there are people who may be willing and there are people who might find that cumbersome. If you are not able to give him a lift, maybe just ignore his post. I do not see any need to tell him anything otherwise. Kudos to Orsony and Thomas for providing alternative solutions. cheers Jacky
  3. did not know blue mushies so exp. wanna keep some simple ones 1st. Dunno how bad is my tank fluctuations. zoas should be easy right?
  4. Actually your tank params should be better than mine. Mine should be still quite topsy turvy.
  5. I have to go round the island to collect my corals already. my frags still with Ray in east..... lol
  6. on second thoughts.... hmmm ... I am travelling this week .... probably should wait till I am back before getting livestock...... keep a look out for fishes for me? neon gobies royal gramma pistol shrimp yashia goby
  7. why risky? all tanks are risky if there are not properly made. As long as the overflow & piping made properly by an experience tank maker. no matter what happens, pump failure/ electrical failure, it will not cause flooding.
  8. thinking of just getting some blue and red mushrooms for a start. but anything small and nice will be good. trying to get miniature size ones for various corals.
  9. yeah... keep us posted closely. Very keen on the development of your new tank.
  10. Issue resolved. Aquamarin has given me a 1:1 exchange. 2 thumbs up for AM. Let's hope this set last me much longer, else I might just give it up for Tunze 6055 with single controller.
  11. lol who says singaporean are not creative... haha
  12. We meet you at GO or AM lor? hehe//// The MP10 pricing is standard I think. http://www.aquamarin.com.sg/productsDetail...?productid=1350 Yeah I also want want to stock up asap....
  13. these guys are awesome. Here's their response regarding the fans: "Normally, the fans in the lamp should not produce such a noise, it must be something blocking the fans from inside. You could open the cover (by take out the screws) and check out what’s the problem. But anyway, the lamp you got must be the old version, we have changed all the fans to a better and more quite model. Please give us your address, we will send you the new fans for free, so that you can change them. Sorry about it." 2 THUMBS UP. Someone was asking about after sales service??? lol
  14. ok update on the LED. The noise level generated by the fan is quite high. As comycus mentioned, if you have an overflow system, this prob would be neglible. The heatsink is about 35 - 36 deg cel after running for a few hrs. (both blue & white on) When witch to blue only the temp fall to 31deg cel. the built in timer works great.
  15. Mine will prob end up more of a softie tank too.
  16. since it is air con environment, you can remove the plastic cover, and position the fan so that it is not so noisy. I believe it is partially due to the enclosure that cause the noise to resonate. If you open it and maybe get an another fan to cool the heatsink, there will not be so much noise. I have already written to MaxSpect to ask how we can lower the noise generated by the fan.
  17. mine are all games for my girl to play. come to think of it, she has 50% ownership
  18. dunno leh... but singapore not that big
  19. very big compared to mine wahahahaha cool. can go chiong together next time.
  20. Yah. my tank is pretty quiet. can only hear the tunze 9002 skimmer bubbling...... I recall Sherman's DIY LED is as noisy when you climb over his canopy.
  21. Thats the problem with buying second hand stuff.... sometimes I would rather spend a little more and have that peace of mind.
  22. The fans are loud really. Hmmm It get s over masked by my dinning area standing fan but if I switch my standing fan off, I can hear the fans like 10 feet away.
  23. you can go inside the tank and scape. lol Cool another new tank. 3 ft right?
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