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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jackywongto

  1. The stress factor that comes with reefing.
  2. my boxes filled with toys in the storeroom I got the tunze pail if that helps.
  3. wah.... life is tough these days, market flooded with too many cut throat competitors lol
  4. yah I volunteer too. my tank is free for you to house your corals. lodging, meals and light provided - in our stay all you want package.
  5. Thanks Kiko. But some quite common stuff lah. How's your tank coming? all the fishes ok?
  6. Then u come my place one of these days. I can pass you some.
  7. provided he dun decide to keep freshwater or convert it to a pond now. Pengzzzzzz lol (sorry cannot help it Chris)
  8. cannot lah.... just leave the rocks in the open for half a day, the worm will crawl out. just make sure you sprinkle some water from time to time.
  9. Arh i c. Free I come down and help see see look look. just let me know when. Somehow I am glad my tank is just 20 gallon. phew.....
  10. Yah I like this one the best. Much more than the red shrooms. GO still has 1 or 2 more but their pricing really ridiculous on some items.
  11. vouch for that - extremely shy and hard to get it feeding. Thats why my 1st question was is it feeding already Eniram, your tank has a lot of fishes already right? this fish will not survive there. just my thoughts.
  12. His tank is just a few days old... lol external Overflow on the left side. check out his thread. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...c=83493&hl=
  13. wah.. kena volunteered..... something is wrong, away from work, in leisurely forum also kena arrow..... need to go take flower bath.
  14. yikes 1.5 ft worm? GROSSED I am a bit lazy to get rid of those pest leh. how are you going to do it?
  15. almost the same dimension as zorden's except for the height right?
  16. only the blue LED lights on now i will take tml.
  17. I took this photo with my external flash. hope I did not hurt my fishes eye. haha The colour are quite close to actual except for the 1st photo. Here this photo is more accurate.
  18. k. here are the shots. I am a terrible photographer. Pardon the photos.
  19. his bigger tank coming right? btw met someone at GO just now. had a 2 minute chat. That guy has a 3ft cube. 3 FEET CUBE!!!!
  20. next time tell me, i can frag those i get for u. u prob dun know me but i very ching chai one. so anything just shoot. I'm ok wan.
  21. going for challenge. get the mini ones to expand..... *nice try heh? But mind not working straight the minute I step into the store. They did black magic or what? Was not my usual self. Maybe too tired. Sleeping at 3 am for 1 week already. Today gotta knock out at 12 midnt.
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