vouch for that - extremely shy and hard to get it feeding.
Thats why my 1st question was is it feeding already
Eniram, your tank has a lot of fishes already right? this fish will not survive there.
just my thoughts.
His tank is just a few days old... lol
external Overflow on the left side.
check out his thread.
I took this photo with my external flash. hope I did not hurt my fishes eye. haha
The colour are quite close to actual except for the 1st photo.
Here this photo is more accurate.
going for challenge. get the mini ones to expand..... *nice try heh?
But mind not working straight the minute I step into the store.
They did black magic or what? Was not my usual self.
Maybe too tired. Sleeping at 3 am for 1 week already.
Today gotta knock out at 12 midnt.